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Spending some time in beautiful Florence? This is a complete list that provides you with a handful of options: accommodation, tourist attractions, shops, bars and restaurants - you’ll need no other guide, I promise! So…have a bite and a drink alongside Arno river and take home the most impressive bespoke souvenirs. The city is walkable and it blends art and history and romantic vibes all together and pretty soon you’ll find yourself in love. 💓 Must do - trips to picturesque towns located nearby: • San Gimignano: 1h away • Siena: 1h10 away • Volterra: 1h20 away Highlights: ⚜️ Il Giglio - giglio bottonato, is mainly known from the crest of the city of Florence. In the Florentine fleurs-de-lis, the stamens are always posed between the petals. This is also the emblem of the city and you shall see it depicted all over. 🍨 Gelato “crema fiorentina” - is the specific flavor of Florence, made with a simple combination of egg yolks, milk, and sugar. It is often flavored with chestnut honey, while another common addition includes crumbled amaretti cookies or almond liqueur. It is a neutral ice cream flavor with delicate pale-yellow color. 🍧 Affogato - a delightful and simple Italian dessert or beverage that combines two beloved elements: espresso and gelato or ice cream. The word "affogato" in Italian means "drowned," and that perfectly describes the preparation of this delicious treat. The basic affogato recipe involves pouring a hot, freshly brewed espresso over a scoop of cold gelato or ice cream. The hot espresso contrasts with the cold and creamy gelato, resulting in a harmonious and satisfying flavour combination. 🥩 Bistecca alla fiorentina - Italian steak made of young steer (vitellone) or heifer (scottona) that, combined with the specific preparation, makes it one of the most popular dishes of Tuscan cuisine. 🍷 "Buchette del vino" - or wine windows, are a peculiar feature of Florence. They are foot-high, dome-shaped holes in the thick, stone palazzi of the Renaissance city that six centuries ago were used to sell wine in a fiasco (glass bottle) without having to open a shop and avoid paying taxes. These wine windows also posed a useful anti-contagion way to sell wine during the epidemic of 1630-1633. At that time, the bubonic plague hit Florence hard, killing 12% of the city's population.
Enjoy a sun-drenched journey through the captivating landscapes of Southern France with our comprehensive guide to the 30 best chateau tours, now featuring our exclusive Saving Castles Regal Ranking. From the medieval majesty of Carcassonne to the lavender-scented elegance of Château de Lourmarin, this meticulously crafted guide offers a royal feast for history lovers and Provençal lifestyle enthusiasts alike. Each chateau entry includes: 🏰 A vivid history and description of the chateau 🏰 Key features and must-see attractions 🏰 Practical visiting information 🏰 Saving Castles Regal Ranking: Our expert assessment on a 10-crown scale Our innovative Regal Ranking evaluates each chateau on six dimensions: Historical Significance Architectural Splendor Preservation Perfection Visitor Experience Landscape Majesty Accessibility Assurance The Overall Regal Ranking distills centuries of Southern French charm into one powerful score, guiding you to experiences that match your unique interests. Enhancing your chateau experience, our unique "Dining" section provides: 🍽️ Notable restaurants near each chateau ⭐ Distance from the chateau ⭐ Type of cuisine offered ⭐ A standout dish or regional specialty to try ⭐ Google rating ⭐ Price range ⭐ An insider tip or interesting fact about the establishment Don't just visit chateaux – experience them with the Saving Castles Regal Ranking. Let this guide transform your Southern France adventure into a journey through time, beauty, and unparalleled grandeur, complete with sun-kissed wines and culinary delights that capture the essence of Mediterranean living.
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