Results for Campania, Italy

In English and Italian When I decided to become a sommelier back in 2009, I felt that the best way to learn about wine and winemaking was to visit as many vineyards as I could. The first area that I focused on was a territory in Campania known as Irpinia. It is located in the northeast portion of the Avellino province. I remember spending my Saturdays visiting wineries, wine tasting, and walking the vineyards. I learned so much! Not just about wine, but the culture that surrounds it. I fell in love and I think if you get a chance to visit some of the wineries listed here, you will fall in love as well. In this corner of Campania there is practically everything when it comes to territory; hills, mountains, lakes, rivers, clayey soil, volcanic soil. I could go on. Red grape varieties include aglianico and piedirosso. White grape varieties include greco, fiano, coda di volpe, and greco musc’. Irpinia is home to 3 DOP wines – Taurasi (made with aglianico), Fiano di Avellino and Greco di Tufo. *In Italy, when you see a wine label the says DOP (Denominazione di Origine Protetta – Protected Designation of Origin)- it is a guarantee that the wine was produced in a certain area under certain strict conditions. (It is NOT an indication of the quality of the wine) That being said, wineries have their vineyards spread throughout the area-often far from the winery itself. My guide is perfect for wine enthusiasts – those who are looking for an adventure in a glass. My guide includes - 🛣️maps - 💻links to the wineries - ⌚days/hours of operations -🤙 my recommendations and suggestions for itineraries - 🎤audio links This is a living breathing guide; meaning that it will be updated often. Need suggestions for a 1, 2, or 3 day itinerary. Feel free to contact me. Quando ho deciso di diventare sommelier nel 2009, ho sentito che il modo migliore per conoscere il vino e la vinificazione era visitare quanti più vigneti possibile. La prima area su cui mi sono concentrata è stato un territorio della Campania noto come Irpinia. Si trova nella parte nord-est della provincia di Avellino. Ricordo di aver trascorso i miei sabati visitando cantine, degustando vini e camminando tra i vigneti. Ho imparato così tanto! Non solo di vino, ma della cultura che lo circonda. Mi sono innamorataa e penso che se hai la possibilità di visitare alcune delle cantine elencate qui, ti innamorerai anche tu. In questo angolo di Campania c'è praticamente di tutto quando si parla di territorio; colline, montagne, laghi, fiumi, terreno argilloso, terreno vulcanico. Potrei continuare. I vitigni a bacca rossa includono aglianico e piedirosso. I vitigni a bacca bianca includono greco, fiano, coda di volpe e greco musc'. L'Irpinia ospita 3 vini DOP: Taurasi (prodotto con aglianico), Fiano di Avellino e Greco di Tufo. * In Italia, quando vedi un'etichetta di vino con la scritta DOP (Denominazione di Origine Protetta) - è una garanzia che il vino è stato prodotto in una certa zona a determinate condizioni rigorose. (NON è un'indicazione della qualità del vino) Detto questo, le cantine hanno i loro vigneti sparsi in tutta l'area, spesso lontano dalla cantina stessa. La mia guida è perfetta per gli appassionati di vino - coloro che sono alla ricerca di un'avventura in un bicchiere. La mia guida include - 🛣️mappe - 💻link alle cantine - ⌚giorni/ore di funzionamento - 🤙 i miei consigli e suggerimenti per itinerari - 🎤audio guide Questa è una guida vivente alla respirazione; il che significa che verrà aggiornato spesso. Hai bisogno di suggerimenti per un itinerario di 1, 2 o 3 giorni. Non esitate a contattarmi.
Wine • Road Trip
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In English and Italian Campi Flegrei aka the Phlegrean Fields has been my home for the last 30 years. How much do you know about this coastal area near Naples which houses the largest volcanic area in Europe? 🌋 Besides offering some amazing archaeological sites, coastal lakes, beaches, 🏖️thermal springs, and nature reserves, it also has some great spots to eat. From traditional cuisine to Michelin starred fine dining- the area is packed. From seafood 🐟 to pasta 🍝- here is my list of some not to miss spots. I've divided them up into three sections - Michelin starred ⭐ - Overlooking the water 🏖️🌊 - Inland 🌄 This guide is a 'mini guide' focusing only on restaurants. Stay tuned for upcoming guides on the area that will include street food 🍔, pizzerias 🍕 and wineries. 🍷 Buon appetito! I Campi Flegrei è la mia casa da 30 anni. Quanto ne sai di questa zona costiera vicino a Napoli che ospita la più grande area vulcanica d'Europa? 🌋 Oltre ad offrire incredibili siti archeologici, laghi costieri, spiagge, 🏖️sorgenti termali e riserve naturali, ha anche ottimi posti dove mangiare. Dalla cucina tradizionale alla cucina raffinata stellata Michelin, la zona è ricca. Dal pesce 🐟 alla pasta 🍝ecco la mia lista di alcuni posti da non perdere. La lista ho divisi in tre sezioni: Stelle Michelin ⭐ Vicino il mare 🏖️🌊 Nell'entroterra 🌄 Questa guida è una "mini guida" incentrata solo sui ristoranti. Restate sintonizzati per le prossime guide sul territorio che includeranno street food 🍔, pizzerie 🍕 e cantine. 🍷 Buon appetito!
Wine • Foodie
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Ciao, guys! What does this part of Naples have that is so exciting for me? It's spirit of community! If you are looking for a lively vibrant part of the city, then the Rione Sanità is definitely worth a visit while you are in Naples. It is a 'working class' part of Naples, and depending on the time of day, can be quite crowded with locals going about their daily routine. Routines that include shopping at many of the street markets where you can buy just about everything, stopping for a coffee, or just chatting in small groups at many of the several small piazzas located throughout the district. A little history-in the 1500s, the area was a valley known for healthy air thanks to its location nestled between the hills and its close proximity to the catacombs where miracles were performed. The noble community began to settle down here and it was even the route for the royal family who would travel from the Reggia di Capodimonte to the center of Naples. Travelling the route was often tricky and problematic, so a bridge was built. You can imagine what eventually happened over time- the Rione Sanità no longer had the traffic that it had before and basically was cut off from the rest of the city. What is the area like now? After years of having a terrible reputation, the citizens-particularly the younger generation have been working hard to bring that 'traffic' back. 📌This guide is designed for those of us who want to absorb the vibrancy of this slice of Napoli. 📌Those of us who want to visit the churches which are amazing museums full of spectacular artwork and architecture. 📌Those of us who want to visit catacombs and learn about Naples's rich history, traditions, and superstitions. 📌Those of us who want to walk the streets and observe some fantastic street art and murals. 📌Those of us who want to take advantage of some great examples of street food or sit down at some of the city's top pizzerias for lunch or dinner. So- get your camera, a good pair of comfortable shoes and let's go!
Architecture • Art • Budget • Foodie • History • Photography
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Love to travel but hate planning? Or just don't have time to do all the researches? Leave it to me! Let me take the stress out of planning your custom travel itinerary in Italy based on your interests, needs and length of trip. Introducing: ✨Personalized Itineraries in Italy✨ Why settle for generic travel packages when you can have a personalized itinerary crafted just for you? I understand that every traveler is unique, and strive to curate unforgettable journeys that match your interests, preferences, budget, and personal travel style. I can handle every aspect of your trip, from researching the most convenient transportation to finding the perfect accommodations and creating a day-by-day plan filled with must-see destinations, hidden gems, insider's tips and unforgettable experiences. Whether it's exploring historical sites, immersing yourself in local culture, savouring delicious food or experiencing outdoor activities, I will craft a trip that is uniquely yours, taking care of all the details to make sure you get your dream vacation completely hassle-free. Do you have special interest trip requests? Just ask, I got you covered, especially with: 🫶 Honeymoons 🍝 Food&Wine tours  🍷  Wine tourism 🚵 Cycling tours 🏌️ Active holidays Let's start planning your next adventure in Italy today! $ 20 per day planned
Boutique • Luxury • Wellness • Design • Foodie • People & Culture • Romantic • Slow Travel • Wine • Relaxation • Art • Architecture • Shopping • Nature • Road Trip • Beach • Mountain
Fascinating places in Rome - a little bit of this, a little bit of that, mixing classics with some unpopular, hidden gems! Where to eat/drink (including a bunch of beautiful rooftops), where to shop (outlets, bespoke & made in Italy - brands you rarely find outside this country) and what to visit around (gorgeous sights included, so be sure to check them out and take lots of pictures). Highlights: 🛵 Vespa - is an Italian luxury brand of scooters and mopeds manufactured by Piaggio. The name means wasp in Italian. An Italian icon since 1946. You’ll see many of these all over the city. 🍕 Roman style Pizza - we encounter "pizza al taglio," which means "by the cut". The scizzas, which are a type of scissors, are used to cut this pizza into square-shaped slices. This helps to maintain the structure of both the toppings and the crust. There is also “pizza bassa”, with a thin base. Roman pizza is practically the opposite to Neapolitan pizza: it is crispy and they are not afraid of toppings. A classic on all menus in Rome is the Capricciosa: topped with ham, mushrooms, olives, artichoke, an egg and tomato. Oil is added to the dough and there is much less water than the Naples version. 🥯 The maritozzo - is a classic sweet pastry, traditionally packed full of whipped cream, which has satisfied Romans for centuries. The dough-based bun is typically eaten in Rome for breakfast but can also be eaten as a hefty snack, or dessert, throughout the day. ☕️ Ristretto - is Italian for "short shots", and that's exactly what this shot of espresso brings to the table. Its main difference is that it takes a shorter extraction time, and uses less water therefore the flavor is rich and bold, and very intense. 🍧 La Grattachecca Romana - a favourite icy drink with fruity flavor; for the Romans, the grattachecca is sacred - strictly prepared by hand in the historical kiosks of the Rioni Trastevere, Testaccio and Prati, in the lively Ponte Milvio area and Trieste and Trionfale districts. Grattachecca derives, in fact, from the action with which the “ghiacciata" (ice) is produced: with a special tool, the ice is scraped off a block, called the "checca" in Roman dialect. 🛍️ When it comes to shopping, Rome can be quite the haven for designer brands, but there is no other fashion house more Roman than Valentino Garavani. The brand’s design (its famous studs) has its origins in the Renaissance architecture of Rome - the “bugnato” technique of the ancient Roman buildings. The largest Valentino store (in the world) lies here, in Rome, on the famous Piazza di Spagna site.
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