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Spending some time in beautiful Florence? This is a complete list that provides you with a handful of options: accommodation, tourist attractions, shops, bars and restaurants - you’ll need no other guide, I promise! So…have a bite and a drink alongside Arno river and take home the most impressive bespoke souvenirs. The city is walkable and it blends art and history and romantic vibes all together and pretty soon you’ll find yourself in love. 💓 Must do - trips to picturesque towns located nearby: • San Gimignano: 1h away • Siena: 1h10 away • Volterra: 1h20 away Highlights: ⚜️ Il Giglio - giglio bottonato, is mainly known from the crest of the city of Florence. In the Florentine fleurs-de-lis, the stamens are always posed between the petals. This is also the emblem of the city and you shall see it depicted all over. 🍨 Gelato “crema fiorentina” - is the specific flavor of Florence, made with a simple combination of egg yolks, milk, and sugar. It is often flavored with chestnut honey, while another common addition includes crumbled amaretti cookies or almond liqueur. It is a neutral ice cream flavor with delicate pale-yellow color. 🍧 Affogato - a delightful and simple Italian dessert or beverage that combines two beloved elements: espresso and gelato or ice cream. The word "affogato" in Italian means "drowned," and that perfectly describes the preparation of this delicious treat. The basic affogato recipe involves pouring a hot, freshly brewed espresso over a scoop of cold gelato or ice cream. The hot espresso contrasts with the cold and creamy gelato, resulting in a harmonious and satisfying flavour combination. 🥩 Bistecca alla fiorentina - Italian steak made of young steer (vitellone) or heifer (scottona) that, combined with the specific preparation, makes it one of the most popular dishes of Tuscan cuisine. 🍷 "Buchette del vino" - or wine windows, are a peculiar feature of Florence. They are foot-high, dome-shaped holes in the thick, stone palazzi of the Renaissance city that six centuries ago were used to sell wine in a fiasco (glass bottle) without having to open a shop and avoid paying taxes. These wine windows also posed a useful anti-contagion way to sell wine during the epidemic of 1630-1633. At that time, the bubonic plague hit Florence hard, killing 12% of the city's population.
Needing some much needed quiet time or relaxation? Or do you need to forget your worries and connect to your adventurous side? You may NEED to travel just to get away. Just to feel free from this everyday craze called life. Here are some travel suggestions I like to dive into when I really want to connect on a holistic level. This guide focuses on one of the most important things we as humans truly need in life, RELAXTION- Whether you have a tough job that is physically demanding or mentally stressful at times OR maybe you've been dealing with other social or environmental discomforts that have overwhelmed you. There could be a million reasons you are in a place of stress or exhaustion. However, you DO have the option to take a break and get away! Yes! Because you absolutely deserve some peace and relaxation! So where do you go? *SUGGESTION TRIP: A body of water! The ocean is a great place to start however studies show that just being near any flowing water can reduce cortisol levels within 30 seconds of arrival. So this doesn't have to be a fancy trip to Hawaii this can be any river, lake, ocean that is near you. Here are some great U.S. trip ideas. My beach trip suggestion- CANNON BEACH, OREGON. Not only are the towns surrounding quaint and adorable, the beach Itself has beautiful giant rock structures and plenty of walking beach space to unwind. Slow down and take some deep breaths while sitting in the sand listening to the waves. Im telling it won't disappoint! -Check out my Cannon beach hotel recommendations below! My lake suggestion- LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA. Yes this can be quite a busy and touristy area, however the hiking around the lake is very peaceful and quiet and there are always places to get away from the crowds for some quiet time. The water can be very clear and blue with beautiful surrounding trees and forrest environment. This is a great place to walk off some stress and then spend some time by the clear waters to reflect. -South Lake Tahoe hotel recommendations below! My river suggestion- BIG THOMPSON RIVER, COLORADO. Running through beautiful Estes Park, the drive itself is absolutely breath taking. There are a ton of places just to pull off the road and be right on the river or to hike around. You may like to fish, hike or just sit and listen to the sound of the beautiful flowing river. The mountains surrounding will give you a great sense of peace and the serene river will have you relaxed within minutes. -Hotel recommendations near Big Thompson river below! Wherever you find yourself in nature, make sure to let go of your stressful thoughts from your everyday world and stop to be present within the beauty around you. Take some deep breaths and let your soul lead the way. Know that as stressful as life can be there is always natural beauty all around you and you always deserve a break... If you feel like sharing, email me and let me know if you make it to any of these beautiful destinations recommended. Id love to hear any positive experiences you had:)
50+ • Backpacker • Couples • Groups • Family • Digital Nomads • Pets • Plus Size • Female Solo • Adventure • Outdoors • Relaxation • Road Trip • Slow Travel • Wellness
**English:** "Welcome to a keto guide filled with recommendations of keto-friendly eateries that will encourage keto enthusiasts to socialize and enjoy life beyond the confines of their own kitchen. Orleans, France is not just a city rich in history, with its stunning Sainte-Croix Cathedral and connection to Joan of Arc, but it's also a burgeoning spot for modern culinary adventures, especially for those on the keto diet. Did you know that Orleans is renowned for its annual 'Fête de la Loire', a lively festival celebrating the river and its impact on the city's heritage? It's the perfect backdrop to explore keto-friendly culinary treats. So why not make Orleans your next travel destination? In this guide, restaurants are classified and ranked from most to least pricey. Bon appétit! **French:** "Bienvenue dans ce guide cétogène, rempli de recommandations de lieux où manger adaptés au régime cétogène. Ce guide encouragera les adeptes du keto à socialiser et à profiter de la vie en dehors de leur cuisine habituelle. Orléans, en France, n'est pas seulement une ville riche en histoire, avec sa magnifique cathédrale Sainte-Croix et sa connexion à Jeanne d'Arc, mais c'est aussi un lieu en plein essor pour les aventures culinaires modernes, surtout pour ceux qui suivent le régime cétogène. Saviez-vous qu'Orléans est renommé pour sa 'Fête de la Loire', un festival animé qui célèbre la rivière et son impact sur l'héritage de la ville? C'est le cadre parfait pour explorer des délices culinaires adaptés au régime keto. Alors, pourquoi ne pas faire d'Orléans votre prochaine destination de voyage? Dans ce guide, les restaurants sont classés et rangés du plus cher au moins cher. Bon appétit!
Embark on the ultimate adventure with this 9 Days in Costa Rica: A Thrill-Seeker's Guide! This guide is your key to exploring the best of Costa Rica, from its lush rainforests to its stunning beaches. Whether you're zip-lining through the treetops, surfing Pacific waves, or hiking to hidden waterfalls, this itinerary is packed with recommended guided activities and must-see locations. You'll also find detailed transportation tips and a packing list to ensure you're fully prepared for every adventure. Perfectly balanced between the excitement of the rainforest and the tranquility of the coast, this itinerary will help you experience the very best that Costa Rica has to offer. Dive in and get ready for an unforgettable journey! What You'll Find Inside: » Planning Your Trip: Essential advice on when to visit, how long to stay, and whether Costa Rica is right for solo travelers, helping you tailor your journey. » Transportation in Costa Rica: Practical tips on getting around the country, from buses to rental cars, ensuring a smooth travel experience. » The Perfect Itinerary: A day-by-day guide covering all the must-see destinations, including rainforest adventures in La Fortuna, beach days in Santa Teresa, and white-water rafting on the Pacuare River. » Ultimate Costa Rica Packing List: Everything you need to bring for a comfortable and prepared trip, whether you're hiking through the jungle or relaxing on the beach. » Costa Rica: The Ultimate Adventure Map: Custom maps highlighting key attractions, natural wonders, and hidden gems to explore during your adventure.
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