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Is it possible to travel for free? After living nomad for the last 6 years I guarantee you that travelling very cheap (almost for free) is possible! Because it's what I've been doing and what I keep doing. If I've done it, you can do it, too! My name is Eva and this Guide is based on my real experience, in where I will share with you not only about my experience but also the tools, practical information, motivation, contacts and more so you can achieve this, too! By the end of the Guide you'll discover attainable ways to get to live travelling while earning money and, in this way, travelling cheap at the same time you live incredible experiences - and you don't need to be a digital nomad, I am not, there are a lot of other alternatives to get to live like this. Before moving forward, I want to clarify what I mean when saying "travel for free". By no means money will come to you magically, without doing anything. It doesn't work like that. That's why I added "almost" in the title. By saying "travel for free" I mean to get to live a full and enrichable experience abroad while you earn money, instead. Which basically means that you don't necessarily will need a lot of money before starting to live like that, money will come to you once you are abroad already living this experience. I will share more details about this in the Guide. In addition, by the end of the Guide I'll be sharing with you discounts so you can get to travel cheaper! This Guide is for you if: • You feel lost, unmotivated and you don't feel doing what "you're supposed to do". • The lack of money is an impediment to travel. • You want to live nomad while earning money. • You have a big desire to experience new lifestyles, get to know new cultures, new people, new places, new learnings... You want to discover the world. • You're afraid of stepping outside of you comfort zone. • You're afraid of travelling alone. • You need motivation and braveness to take action. • You have the freedom to choose how to live. Summarising, this Guide is based on seeking freedom, (self-) discovery, and dedicated to all those with a deep desire to explore beyond "home", the known and comfortable place we all have. I will only ask you a favor before reading this Guide; keep an open mind. In this Guide you'll get to know about new perspectives, which can lead you to opportunities you've never thought about. Last, but very important, make sure you take action after reading the Guide, too.
¿Se puede viajar gratis? Tras vivir nómada durante los últimos 6 años, os aseguro que viajar gratis (o muy barato) es posible ¡porque eso es lo que he estado haciendo y sigo haciendo! Si yo lo he conseguido, ¡tú también puedes! Me llamo Eva y esta guía está basada en mi experiencia real, en la que voy a compartir no solo sobre mi experiencia, sino también cómo puedes lograrlo, tomar acción, brindarte información práctica, descuentos, herramientas, contactos, ¡y mucho más! Tras leer la guía, habrás descubierto maneras factibles para poder vivir viajando mientras ganas dinero, y viajar súper barato mientras vives experiencias increíbles. Y NO necesitas convertirte en nómada digital (yo no lo soy), ¡existen muchas más alternativas para lograr vivir nómada y viajar barato! A lo largo de la lectura, te voy a mostrar las maneras que a mi me han funcionado hasta el momento para poder vivir viajando, incluso sin tener ahorros, para que te atrevas a dar el paso y empieces a vivir así tú también. Antes de que te decidas a leer esta Guía, quiero aclarar a lo que me refiero con "viajar gratis". Para nada me estoy refiriendo a viajar con dinero que cae del cielo, nada más alejado de la realidad. De ahí el “casi” que decidí añadir a última hora en el título. A lo que me refiero con este concepto es más bien a considerar vivir una experiencia completa y enriquecedora ganando dinero mientras viajas, con posibilidades de viajar por el destino sin necesidad de haber tenido ahorros antes de mudarte a ese país. En la Guía hablaré más sobre esto. Además, al final de la Guía encontrarás un apartado con descuentos para que puedas viajar aún más barato. Esta guía es para ti si: • Te sientes perdido/a, sin motivación por encontrar trabajo y/o estudiar, no te sientes alineado/a con "lo que se supone que debes hacer". • No tener dinero te impide viajar. • Quieres vivir nómada mientras ganas dinero por el mundo. • Deseas vivir nuevas experiencias, nuevos estilos de vida, nuevas culturas, conocer, aprender Y, en definitiva, descubrir mundo. • Tienes miedo de salir de tu zona de confort. • Te da miedo viajar sola/o. • Buscas motivación y valentía para tomar el paso que tanto miedo te da; irte solo/a, tomar riesgos, cambiar tu vida... • Tienes la libertad de escoger cómo vivir. • Sabes hablar inglés o tienes intención de aprender. En resumen, esta es una guía basada en la búsqueda de la libertad, del (auto)descubrimiento y dedicada a todos aquellos que sientan un profundo deseo de explorar más allá de lo que hasta ahora conocen como "hogar". Sólo te pediré una cosa antes de leerla: mantén la mente abierta porque en la guía descubrirás nuevas perspectivas que te pueden llevar a oportunidades que jamás creíste fueran posibles de alcanzar. Y, sobre todo, asegúrate de tomar acción tras haberla leído.
Have you ever dreamt about travelling to Iceland? Here I share the most complete 8-day itinerary along the Ring Road in Iceland! After having lived in Iceland for more than 1 year, I want to share with you my best tips based on my experience for travelling around one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen and that I like to call home. I’m also sharing special places and not only the most popular ones. What to consider before reading: • Personally, I believe that the most enjoyable way to travel around Iceland is by Camper van, and you can get a 5% discount for your camper van rental with Go Campers by applying the code: EVARIOS • The most important thing to pack is different layers of clothes, no matter what season you are in • Bare in mind that it's illegal to camp outside campings in Iceland (this is under your own responsibility) and this guide is not focusing on camping sites. • Be aware of the fast changing and though Icelandic weather. • Bring eye mask to sleep (there's almost no darkness during the Midnight Sun). • Feel free to modify the starting point of the road trip (either starting from the South or the West) according to the weather forecast (although it can be unpredictible). • I would not recommend taking detours that I suggest along the blog if weather conditions are not good. • Note that the maximum speed limit in Iceland is 90 km/h in main roads, make sure you don't overpass the limit. Traffic fines are very expensive in Iceland, you don't want to pay one! And be careful with sheep! They are constantly crossing the road. ENJOY YOUR TRIP TO ICELAND!! 😜🇮🇸 *all the pictures in this blog are mine otherwise stated
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