TRAVEL ALMOST FOR FREE: the how-to guide
I'm Eva, I'm Spanish and I live nomad since 6 years ago. During all this time, I've been travelling for free, or very cheap, while I was earning money.
By creating this Guide I aim to help all the people who have asked me about my lifestyle and have told me that they'd like to achieve something similar in life. I really want to help you making your dream life come true. So I hope this Guide can bring you motivation and useful information as well as confidence in order to be able to take action and make your dreams come true.
Moreover, I invite you to book a consultation call with me in case you'd like to get a more personalised advice considering your nationality, resources and interests, important aspects to bear in mind.
Next, I'll be sharing with you my story briefly.
To give you a bit of a context, I studied a Tourism and Hotel Management degree in Barcelona, which it doesn't mean you have to, but it's true that thanks to work in this industry, and to have studied in a very international university I got to live a lot of international experiences. Actually, I've lived abroad for the first time via an internship through the university. I was 19 years old when I moved to the first country abroad and it was in the most remote place I've been to so far, in the Northernmost island of Norway. Since that moment, I kept living abroad in different countries like Canada, Tanzania, Dubai (UAE), Iceland, Mexico and, currently, I'm living in Australia.