Prepara il tuo viaggio: la guida per arrivare a Barcellona preparato per quello che ti aspetta
Giorno 1 - Cominciamo dall'inizio
Oggi andremo alla scoperta della Città Vecchia e delle leggende sulla fondazione della Città di Barcellona. Vi darò un itinerario che potrete seguire da soli, oppure potrete cercare un tour (i miei preferiti sono alla fine della guida)
Mattina dalle 9:00 - Born e Barrio Gotico
Cominciamo la giornata alla Pasteleria Hoffmann, una rinomata pasticceria dove potrete concedervi deliziosi croissant e caffè per iniziare al meglio la vostra esplorazione di Barcellona.
Pastisseria Hofmann
I'll tell you a secret: every day they have a special croissant, if you want to know what heaven tastes like go there on a Friday or Saturday, quickly, and order yourself a cube filled with coffee cream. You can thank me later.

Visitate El Born CCM, un centro culturale ospitato in un ex mercato, per immergerti nella storia e nell'arte di Barcellona. L'ingresso è sempre gratuito per l'area archeologica.
El Born Center for Culture and Memory
Find out how people lived before 1714
In the Center of Culture and Memory of the Born, in addition to exhibitions on correfocs (46/101) and temporary exhibitions that change constantly, there is the possibility to discover how people lived in Barcelona before 1714 by looking directly into people's homes. During the construction of the Ciudadella ( the very one that today gives the name to the Park 15/101) a part of the city was almost completely torn to the ground and an esplanade was created between the walls of the fortified city and the city. When it was decided to reconvert the structure of the Born market (which at the time was a wholesale market) it was discovered that it rested on the remains of the medieval city and a permanent exhibition was created. Thanks to the objects found in the abandoned and demolished houses it is possible for us to understand what life was like in Barna in the 18th century.

Esplorate la maestosa Santa Maria del Mar, uno straordinario esempio di architettura gotica catalana e simbolo del patrimonio marittimo di Barcellona.
Basilica of Santa Maria del Mar
See Santa Maria del Mar
Made famous by the book "The Cathedral of the Sea" and the consequent TV series, it is, in fact, one of the most spectacular churches in the city. Despite the title of the book, it is not a true Cathedral but was considered the answer of the "middle" class to the Gothic Cathedral, financed mostly by the aristocracy. Started around the same time, to see Santa Maria del Mar finished it took 54 years, for the Cathedral it took centuries. Curiosity: the church still belongs to the the parish and is one of the very few examples of original Catalan Gothic that can be found in Barcelona.

Partendo dal Born e attraversando la Via Layetana, entrate nel Quartiere Gotico e scoprite i resti delle mura romane che un tempo circondavano la colonia romana di Barcino, offrendo uno scorcio sull'antico passato della città.
Plaça de Ramon Berenguer el Gran
The Church of Santa Agata in Barcelona stands as a testament to the city's rich history, with its construction atop the ancient Roman walls adding a layer of historical significance to its architectural beauty. This blending of Roman remnants with the religious structure creates a unique juxtaposition of eras, showcasing the evolution of Barcelona through the centuries. The Church of Santa Agata serves not only as a place of worship but also as a physical link to the city's past, where visitors can witness the harmonious coexistence of ancient and medieval influences. This integration of Roman foundations with the church's structure symbolizes the resilience and adaptability of Barcelona, highlighting its ability to preserve and honor its heritage while embracing progress and change.

Lasciatevi stupire dalla grandiosità della Cattedrale di Barcellona, un capolavoro di architettura (neo)gotica che da secoli rappresenta un simbolo di fede e storia.
Cathedral of Barcelona
Pay a visit to the 13 geese that are located in the cloister of the cathedral.
Poor St. Eulalia died after suffering 13 tortures of indescribable cruelty at the tender age of 13 and nowadays 13 geese are used to guard her remains.
Things to know: What you see in the picture is THE cathedral of Barcelona but it can also be described as an onion. It was an early Christian basilica, a Visigothic church, a Romanesque cathedral and only in the nineteenth century they put the neo-gothic façade onto it, in short, to remember all the layers makes you cry. Dedicated to the Holy Cross and to Sant'Eulalia, in my opinion is not Worth the price of the tickets unless you're very passionate about medievale architecture. I recommend spending the money in Tapas or to visit Santa Maria del Mar Instead

Prendetevi un momento di riflessione in Plaza Sant Felipe Neri, una piazza tranquilla con una storia tragica che funge da toccante ricordo del passato della città.
Plaça de Sant Felip Neri
Plaza Sant Felipe Neri in Barcelona holds a poignant history within its serene surroundings. This charming square, tucked away in the heart of the Gothic Quarter, bears witness to the scars of the Spanish Civil War. The plaza's walls still bear the marks of shrapnel from a tragic bombing that took the lives of many innocent civilians, including children seeking refuge in the church. Today, Plaza Sant Felipe Neri stands as a somber memorial, inviting visitors to reflect on the city's tumultuous past and the enduring resilience of its people. Despite its tragic history, the plaza exudes a sense of peace and contemplation, offering a quiet sanctuary amidst the bustling streets of Barcelona. A visit to Plaza Sant Felipe Neri is a poignant reminder of the city's ability to heal and rebuild, honoring the memory of those who perished while embodying hope for a peaceful future.
Elabora di nuovo la risposta

Proseguite fino a Plaza Sant Jaume, il cuore politico di Barcellona, dove il Municipio e il Palazzo della Generalitat sorgono uno accanto all'altro.
Saint James's Square
Plaza Sant Jaume in Barcelona is not just a bustling civic square but also a site rich in historical significance. Beneath the surface of this vibrant plaza lies the remnants of the ancient Roman forum, a testament to Barcelona's layered past. Centuries of urban development and transformation haven't change the political hearth of the city that still stand in the smme place. Plaza Sant Jaume, with its stately City Hall and the Palace of the Generalitat, pays homage to this ancient heritage while embodying the modern governance and administration of Barcelona.

Passate da Vicens per un assaggio dei loro squisiti torroni, vi darà l'energia per continuare
Torrons Vicens
Torrons Vicens is a traditional nougat company that offers free tasting of its products. The company has collaborated with Michelin starred chefs and well-known brands such as Chupa Chups to create unique and innovative nougat products. Established many years ago, Torrons Vicens has a long-standing history that predates the founding of the United States.

Concludete il tour della Città Vecchia a La Boqueria, il famoso mercato alimentare di Barcellona, dove potrete assaggiare prelibatezze locali e immergervi nell'atmosfera vibrante di questo paradiso culinario. È stato dichiarato uno dei migliori mercati al mondo per varietà e qualità, ma se mi chiedessi la mia opinione non mangerei qui, prenderei semplicemente ispirazione e andrei avanti.
La Boqueria
The Boqueria Market, an unmissable stop for tourists, is probably the most photogenic market in Barcelona. Although people know the Boqueria for its proximity to La Rambla hardly anyone knows that it is just one of an impressive number of covered markets. The other markets aren't that Instagrammable, but they might be worth visiting to get a taste of the real Barcelona. The infallible method to find out which stall is the best? Pay attention to where the greatest number of old ladies are located. They know where the good stuff is, trust me.
If you have read this far you deserve a prize. Did you know that the name of the market (as in many other cases) is actually the name of a convent that once stood in the same place? On the shield at the entrance you can still read Mercado de Sant José (Mercat de San Josep, in Catalan).

Pausa pranzo
Ci sono così tante opzioni per fermarsi a pranzo che è difficile decidere. Vai a Carrer de Parlament e fermati al primo posto che ti salta all'occhio, oppure vai al Mercat de Sant Antoni. Oppure puoi prendere la guida Barcellona da mangiare e immergerti nella cultura gastronomica di questa fantastica città.
Trascorreremo il pomeriggio esplorando uno dei posti più interessanti di Barcellona. Montjuïc è una collina vicina al porto di Barcellona, nota per le sue offerte culturali e ricreative. Alcune delle principali attrazioni e attività a Montjuïc sono incluse nella seguente lista. Scegli e seleziona i tuoi preferiti per avere un'esperienza più personalizzata.
Funivia di Montjuïc: un giro panoramico in funivia che offre viste mozzafiato sulla città e sul mare.
Telefèric de Montjuïc (Barcelona Cable Car)
Use the Teleferic to get on top of the Hill and then walk down enjoying the attractions you can find on your way!

Castello di Montjuïc: il castello che non è mai stato un castello, bensì una fortezza storica che offre viste panoramiche sulla città e sul Mar Mediterraneo.
Montjuïc Castle
Reach the Castle with the Teleferic and walk around its majestic walls. Every summer a film festival is organized at the Montjuic castle. A screen is installed on one side of the surrounding wall and from the moat that once served to defend the castle you can enjoy the projection. Bring everything you need for an outdoor picnic and enjoy the summer nights like never before.

Fondazione Joan Miró: museo dedicato alle opere del celebre artista Joan Miró.
Joan Miró Foundation
The Joan Miró Foundation, located on Montjuïc hill in Barcelona, is a museum dedicated to the works of the renowned Catalan artist Joan Miró. The foundation houses a vast collection of Miró's paintings, sculptures, and graphic works, providing visitors with insight into the artist's creative process and evolution of his style. The building itself is an architectural gem designed by Josep Lluís Sert, a close friend of Miró.

Anello Olimpico di Montjuïc: sede dello Stadio Olimpico del 1992 e di altri impianti sportivi.
Olympic Ring
The spikey instalation that you are looking at is a design Calatrava, the famous arquitect. Built between 1989 and 1992 in the Olympic ring of Montjuïc in Barcelona for the Games of the XXV Olympiad, this 136-meter-high steel tower is reminiscent of a sportsman holding the Olympic flame. Also known as "Torre Telefonica", in the city it is also known as the "Torre Calatrava" and the base is covered with Trencadís, a clear reference to the work of Gaudí. The orientation of the tower makes it a sundial, in fact the shadow of the central needle is projected over the square.

Poble Espanyol: un museo architettonico all'aperto che rappresenta varie regioni della Spagna.
Poble Espanyol
1929. Barcelona International Exhibition. In this context it was decided to build the Poble Espanyol on Montjuïc, as a synthesis of Spanish architecture, craftsmanship and cultural wealth. Architects Ramon Reventós and Francesc Folguera and artists Xavier Nogués and Miquel Utrillo embarked on a long and exciting journey by car visiting more than 1,600 towns and villages to take hundreds of photographs and taking notes to design an authentic city with its streets, squares, churches and other sites.
Curiosity offered by @arkitektoursbarcelona : the Casa Son Berga, originally from the Balearic Islands (therefore not reachable by land), was designed based on a photo and due to the photographic printing process of the time the building was yellowish but in reality it is not: that's why the reproduction in the Poble Espanyol is (mistakenly) yellow

Uno dei punti di riferimento principali di Montjuïc è il Palau Nacional, un maestoso edificio che ospita il Museo nazionale d'arte della Catalogna (MNAC). La grandiosa architettura del Palau Nacional e le viste mozzafiato lo rendono una meta imperdibile per gli amanti dell'arte e della storia.
Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Visitors to MNAC can admire masterpieces by renowned artists such as El Greco, Velázquez, Gaudí, and Picasso, as well as a remarkable collection of Romanesque mural paintings. The museum's diverse exhibitions provide insight into the rich artistic heritage of Catalonia and its influence on the broader European art scene.
Free every saturday after 3pm

Fontana Magica: una splendida fontana che ogni sera ospita spettacoli di luci e musica. Quest'anno, per via della siccità, non è in funzione.
Magic Fountain of Montjuïc
I really hope this will be working againg soon. As for May 2024, the scarcity of water is not permitting the regular functioning of this breathtaking view on montjuic.

Cosa c'è per cena?
La cultura delle tapas è un'amata tradizione culinaria spagnola che ruota attorno a piccoli piatti condivisibili da gustare con amici e familiari. Questi gustosi bocconi spaziano dai classici preferiti come patatas bravas e jamón ibérico a creazioni innovative che mettono in mostra la diversità della cucina spagnola. L'aspetto sociale della condivisione delle tapas, noto come "tapeo", favorisce un'atmosfera conviviale e consente ai commensali di assaporare una varietà di sapori in un unico pasto.
Carrer de Blai
Carrer de Blai, located in the Poble-sec neighborhood of Barcelona, is renowned for its vibrant tapas scene and bustling atmosphere. This charming street is lined with a plethora of pintxos bars and tapas restaurants, offering an array of delectable options to tantalize your taste buds. From traditional tapas to modern interpretations, Carrer de Blai provides a gastronomic journey through the flavors of Spain.

Per coloro che desiderano sperimentare la magia delle performance dal vivo e immergersi nella scena culturale di Barcellona, una visita a Parallel promette una serata indimenticabile di teatro e intrattenimento. Esplora l'atmosfera vibrante, assisti a uno spettacolo che stuzzica il tuo interesse e assorbi l'energia creativa di questo storico distretto teatrale nel cuore della città.
Avinguda del Paral·lel
Parallel Avenue, often referred to as the former Broadway of Barcelona, is a vibrant cultural hub known for its diverse array of theaters and entertainment venues. This bustling avenue in the Poble-sec neighborhood offers a dynamic mix of shows, performances, and musicals that cater to a wide range of tastes and interests.

Mentre il sole tramonta sul primo giorno del nostro tour di due giorni a Barcellona, possiamo rilassarci coscienti che ci siamo immersi nell'energia vibrante di questa città. Dall'esplorazione dei tesori culturali di Montjuïc all'assaporare i sapori delle tapas su Carrer de Blai, oggi è stato un turbine di scoperte e delizie. Domani promette ancora più avventure mentre ci addentriamo più a fondo nella ricca storia, arte e cucina di Barcellona. State tranquilli, il nostro viaggio è tutt'altro che finito e il meglio deve ancora venire in questa incantevole città sul Mediterraneo.
Giorno 2 - Gaudì
Preparatevi a essere catturati dai design innovativi di Gaudí, dai dettagli intricati e dalla profonda influenza sul paesaggio di Barcellona mentre ci imbarchiamo in un viaggio attraverso le incantevoli creazioni di uno dei più grandi e visionari architetti del mondo. Se avete tempo (o energia) per una sola cosa da fare, scegliete la Sagrada Familia, tutto il resto vale la pena di essere visto solo dall'esterno, ma dovete dare un'occhiata all'interno del progetto più grande mai realizzato da Gaudí.
Mattina: a partire dalle 8
Colazione a Casa Amatller: inizia la giornata con una deliziosa colazione a Casa Amatller, un edificio modernista noto per la sua splendida architettura e i suoi dolci (il signor Ametller aveva una fabbrica di cioccolato)
Casa Amatller
Check out these 5 facts about the sweetest house in Barcelona:
🍫The Amattler family was a family of chocolatiers (and the name ametller means almond in Catalan, coincidence or destiny?)
🏚️ Its owner, Antoni Amatller had it restored by the architect Josep Puig I Cadafalch (another name that says a lot) between 1898 and 1900.
👨👧Mr Amatller lived alone with his daughter in this huge house (after his wife had left him for an Italian opera singer) cultivating his three great passions: the chocolate industry, collecting art and photography.
🐩On the front of the house there is a dog taking a photograph.

Casa Batlló: esplora l'iconica Casa Batlló, un capolavoro progettato da Antoni Gaudí, e ammira la sua facciata stravagante e gli interni unici.
Casa Batlló
Find the (dead) dragon crouched on the well at Casa Batllò.
The legend tells that a dragon had taken possession of the water sources of the inhabitants of Barcelona and that he allowed them to draw from the well only in exchange for a sacrifice of a virgin. When it was the turn of the princess to be sacrificed, St. George came out of nowhere, killed the dragon and married the princess (we'll come back to how he asked for her hand). Casa Batllò is a representation of the legend, the roof represents the dragon pierced by the sword of St. George and the internal "courtyard" of the house is decorated in shades of blue in order to make you feel as if you were inside a well.

Passeggia nel Passeig de Gràcia: fai una piacevole passeggiata lungo il Passeig de Gràcia, uno dei viali più eleganti di Barcellona, fiancheggiato da boutique di lusso e gioielli architettonici.

La Pedrera: visita La Pedrera, un altro gioiello architettonico di Gaudí, e ammira la sua facciata ondulata in pietra e le sculture sul tetto.
La Pedrera-Casa Milà
Casa Milà, known as "la Pedrera" (quarry, in Catalan) is, in my opinion, one of the must-see monuments in Barcelona. Less spectacular than Casa Battllò when viewed from the outside, it is much more surprising once inside.
Curiosity: it is rumored that the Star Wars Stormtroopers were inspired by the Chimneys of La Pedrera, did you know that the Sagrada Familia can be seen from the roof of La Pedrera?

Sagrada Familia: scopri la straordinaria Sagrada Familia, il capolavoro incompiuto di Gaudí e il monumento più famoso di Barcellona.
La Sagrada Familia
I keep repeating it to the point of boredom: the Sagrada Familia is THE thing to go and see in Barcelona. Possibly with a guide who can explain the complex history and symbolism behind it. Three facts about the Sagrada Familia that you may not know (if you want to know more, take a look at the stories)
📍When they started building, the Sagrada was in the middle of nowhere and had to rise like a mountain over the surrounding countryside
👽Behind one of the doors of the nativity façade there is a secret message
🏞️ The total height of the basilica will be 172.5 meters, slightly less than Montjüic which at the time was the highest "mountain" in the city

Pausa Pranzo

Pomeriggio: parola d'ordine Relax (siete in vacanza o no?)
Parque de la Ciutadella: rilassatevi e distendetevi nel Parque de la Ciutadella, uno splendido parco con vegetazione lussureggiante, una splendida fontana e sentieri tranquilli.
Parco della Cittadella
Relax like a local. Pack your lunch and a beach towel and enjoy the chilled down atmosphere of this lovely park. Can you find the real size mammooth?

Vermut: scoprite una delle tradizioni spagnole per eccellenza, sorseggiando un vermut (vermouth) in un bar locale e gustando questo aperitivo prima di cena.
Casa del Molinero
The quintessential Barcelonian traditions.
For Vermutear as it should be served
-Vermuth (of the home made one, not the €5 per glass that they serve you in the most fancy bars, we are not so Posh),
-a characteristic environment,
- someone to share the experience with.
Optional olives but in my opinion they should be included in the Vermuteo Starter Pack.
The rest of the 101thingstodoinBarcelona on my guide

Concludi la giornata con una deliziosa cena in un accogliente ristorante, assaggiando la cucina catalana e assaporando i sapori di Barcellona mentre programmi la tua prossima visita in questa incantevole città.
Prova la paella al "El Portalon" o scegli uno dei tanti ristoranti che ho selezionato (e provato personalmente) nella mia guida su Barcellona da mangiare.
Bonus: questi sono i miei tour preferiti di Barcellona, la maggior parte sono in inglese o spagnolo ma alcuni sono disponibili anche in Italiano
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