One-Day TOKYO Itinerary for First-Time Visitors |FREE 🇬🇧

One-Day TOKYO Itinerary for First-Time Visitors |FREE 🇬🇧

The largest city in the world might seem daunting at a first glance, but let me make it easier for you with this one-day itinerary, carefully crafted by me so that you can make the most out of it! :) I hope you'll be wearing comfortable shoes... Because there'll be a lot of exploring! (& some well-deserved coffee-breaks!) This itinerary includes: ☕️ Great cafes to enjoy a cup of freshly roasted coffee 🤩 Four areas to explore 🛍️ Iconic shopping recommendations 🍲 Great lunch & dinner spots to fall in love with Japanese cuisine 🌃 A free aerial view of the city 🍸 Bar recommendations for your night out 🏨 Several hotel recommendations for different budgets ...and so much more! *Subscribe to my Thatch profile for updates and save this itinerary for your next trip.
Updated ago

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One-day Tokyo Itinerary


8:00 | First things first - freshly roasted coffee

I know everyone is raving about Starbucks seasonal drinks in Japan, but how about going somewhere locals love?

I personally favour this coffee spot hidden near the Tsukiji alleys - not only does it open from 7:00 a.m., but they roast the beans themselves & have great quality coffee.

I couldn't say no to the latte art the last time I visited, whereas my friend got an espresso (photo for size contrast) - both were great!

Turret Coffee Tsukiji
🇬🇧 Named after the tower-shaped carts used in the Tsukiji fish market, Turret Coffee and its owner, Kiyoshi Kawasaki, prepare and serve quality espresso in an intimate and original space. If you're in need of something a little stronger, order the Turret Latte, which features a double shot of espresso as well as beautiful latte art. For those with a sweet tooth there's a selection of seasonal sweets, or you can try a fluffy dorayaki (two pancakes filled with red bean paste), made expressly for Turret. Business hours: Monday-Tuesday: CLOSED Wednesday-Friday: 07:00-18:00 Saturday: 07:00-17:00 Sunday: 09:00-17:00 Price range: ¥1-1000 __________________________________________________________________ 🇪🇸 Llamado así por las carretillas en forma de torre empleadas en el mercado de pescado de Tsukiji, Turret Coffee y su propietario, Kiyoshi Kawasaki, preparan y sirven un espresso de calidad en un espacio íntimo y original. Si lo que necesitas es algo un poco más fuerte, pide el Turret Latte, que cuenta con una doble dosis de espresso, además de un precioso latte art. Para los más golosos hay una selección de dulces de temporada, o pueden probar un esponjoso dorayaki (como dos pancakes rellenos de pasta de judías rojas), hechos expresamente para Turret. Horario: Lunes-Martes: CERRADO Miércoles-Viernes: 07:00-18:00 Sábado: 07:00-17:00 Domingo: 09:00-17:00 Rango de precios: ¥1-1000
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8:45 | Stroll around the Tsukiji area

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The area might seem a bit chaotic at first... but that's the fun of it! Explore the maze-like streets and grab some snacks to keep you going until lunch time 🥓🍓🧆🦪

Some of my favourites:

Yamachō - Tamagoyaki
🇬🇧 Tsukiji Yamacho is a historic tamago-yaki (Japanese-style rolled omelet) store that caters to local sushi shops and restaurants. In 2009, the store came up with the original idea of selling tamago-yaki on a skewer. You can choose from different varieties, including options with bell bell pepper, crab meat, shrimp, conger eel, plain, etc. NOTE: You might have to wait in line, because it's very popular! Business hours: Monday-Sunday: 6:50-15:30 Price range: ¥1-1000 __________________________________________________________________ 🇪🇸 Tsukiji Yamacho es una histórica tienda de tamago-yaki (tortilla enrollada al estilo japonés), que abastece a locales de sushi y restaurantes de la zona. En 2009, la tienda tuvo la original idea de vender tamago-yaki en una brocheta. Se puede elegir entre distintas variedades, incluidas opciones con pimiento, carne de cangrejo, gambas, congrio, sin nada, etc. NOTA: Quizás debas hacer cola, ¡porque es muy popular! Horario: Lunes-Domingo: 6:50-15:30 Rango de precios: ¥1-1000
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I tried this omelet for the first time in 2019 and I always go back to it! It's also fun to watch them doing it 🥚🍳

Soratsuki - Ichigo Daifuku
🇬🇧 If you are craving something sweet, go straight to Tsukiji Soratsuki and buy an ichigo daifuku, which is a mochi (rice cake) filled with sweet red bean paste and a strawberry. If you're not keen on red bean paste, they also have cream or matcha filling. Business hours: Monday-Sunday: 7:00-15:00. Price range: ¥1-1000 __________________________________________________________________ 🇪🇸 Si tienes antojo de algo dulce, ve a Tsukiji Soratsuki y compra un ichigo daifuku, que es un mochi (pastel de arroz) relleno de pasta de judías rojas dulce y una fresa. Si no te entusiasma la pasta de judías rojas, también tienen relleno de crema o matcha. Horario: Lunes-Domingo: 7:00-15:00 Rango de precios: ¥1-1000
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If you're in Japan, you can't leave without trying this dessert! (p.s. Strawberries in Japan are generally juicier and sweeter than those I've tried abroad!)

As you can see, you can also try the white variety without breaking the bank 🥴💸


1. You can check out this free map of the area (in English!) 🗺️

2. Just let yourself stroll around - it's better to arrive a bit earlier to avoid queues at stalls 🕘

3. There's a cute shrine that you can visit, they have cut-out goshuin! 🤩

Namiyoke Shrine

Namiyoke Shrine
🇬🇧 This shrine was built in the Edo era at what was then the water's edge. As new land was artificially created, the seashore became susceptible to flooding. The name of the shrine translates to 'protection from waves' – praying here was to ensure the safety of Edo's shores. Namiyoke-Inari is highly worshipped by people who pray for warding off bad luck, for divine protection from calamity, good business, safety during constructions, and others. Business hours: Monday-Sunday: 09:00-17:00 __________________________________________________________________ 🇪🇸 Este santuario se construyó en el periodo Edo en lo que entonces era la orilla del agua. Con la creación de nuevos terrenos artificiales, la orilla del mar se volvió susceptible a las inundaciones. El nombre del santuario se traduce como "protección contra las olas", y se rezaba aquí para garantizar la seguridad de las costas de Edo. Namiyoke-Inari es muy venerado por la gente que reza para protegerse de la mala suerte, para obtener protección divina frente a las calamidades, para los buenos negocios, para la seguridad durante las construcciones, etc. Horario: Lunes-Domingo: 09:00-17:00
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If you don’t know what goshuin are… Then you’re missing out a great chance to buy a cute souvenir from your stay ✨

You can get them mainly in shrines, as well as some temples, and you need a special book (called goshuin-cho) to collect them 📕

You’ll get handwritten kanji, as well as some seasonal ones if you’re lucky! Also, each shrine/temple has it’s own unique seal 🥴⛩️

10:30 | Head to the Ginza area

Only 15 minutes away from Tsukiji by foot, it's definitely a must-visit if you're around!

NOTE: The main road is closed on weekends, so you can walk anywhere and take as many photos as you like! They also put some chairs & parasols so you can have a rest from shopping hehe

Some favourites in the area:


🇬🇧 Ginza Six ranks not only as the largest, but certainly the most luxurious commercial complex in Ginza. With 241 shops and restaurants, a (free!) rooftop garden, and even a Noh Theatre within the complex, it is entirely possible to spend a full day - or several - exploring GINZA SIX and not feel bored. NOTE: The building was designed by architect Yoshio Taniguchi (he also designed NYC's Museum of Modern Art). Business hours: Monday-Sunday: 10:30-20:30 __________________________________________________________________ 🇪🇸 Ginza Six no sólo es el mayor complejo comercial de Ginza, sino sin duda el más lujoso. Con 241 tiendas y restaurantes, un jardín en la azotea (¡gratuito!) e incluso un teatro Noh dentro del complejo, es totalmente posible pasar un día entero -o varios- explorando GINZA SIX y no aburrirse. NOTA: El edificio fue diseñado por el arquitecto Yoshio Taniguchi (también diseñó el Museo de Arte Moderno de Nueva York). Horario: De lunes a domingo: 10:30-20:30
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Not only does Ginza 6 offer high-brand shopping, it's great to just enjoy the artwork displayed from their ceiling - you'll need to hop on the escalator that will take you to the Tsutaya Bookstore located on the 6th floor, where you'll be able to take the best shot!

NOTE: It changes approximately every 6+ months, they have just changed the previos exhibition (see photo below) this Spring!


Ginza Itoya
🇬🇧 A must-visit destination for stationery lovers in Tokyo, founded over 100 years ago in 1904! Browse endless rows of letters, postcards, pens, craft paper and more. Business hours: Monday-Sunday: 10:30-20:30 __________________________________________________________________ 🇪🇸 Un destino imprescindible para los amantes de la papelería en Tokio, ¡fundado hace más de 100 años en 1904! Recorre un sinfín de hileras con cartas, postales, bolígrafos, papel para manualidades y mucho más. Horario: Lunes-Domingo: 10:30-20:30
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If you're a stationary kind of person... You can easily spend over an hour in the many floors of Ginza's flagship Itoya store - my kind of heaven!


🇬🇧 With a floor space of 5,000 square meters and standing 12 stories high, Uniqlo Ginza is the brand's flagship store in Japan, and also the second largest Uniqlo outlet in the world. NOTE: They have a TAX-free counter for tourists! Business hours: Monday-Sunday: 11:00-21:00 __________________________________________________________________ 🇪🇸 Con una superficie de 5.000 metros cuadrados y 12 pisos de altura, la tienda Uniqlo de Ginza es el buque insignia de la marca en Japón y el segundo establecimiento Uniqlo más grande del mundo. NOTA: ¡Tienen un mostrador libre de impuestos para turistas! Horario: De lunes a domingo: 11:00-21:00
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Who hasn't heard of Uniqlo? One of Japan's most beloved brands has it's flagship store in Ginza - I totally recommend checking their HEATTECH & AIRism products, as well as any collaborations they might have!


MUJI Ginza Flagship Store
🇬🇧 Launched in 2019, MUJI GINZA is the new MUJI global flagship store and a true MUJI product paradise. It features not only our beloved storage, living, household, stationary, skincare and clothes sections, but also a MUJI Diner, fruits and vegetable market, juice stand, bakery and a tea blending service, amongst other things. Business hours: Monday-Sunday: 11:00-21:00 __________________________________________________________________ 🇪🇸 Inaugurada a lo grande en 2019, MUJI GINZA, la nueva tienda insignia global de MUJI es un verdadero paraíso de productos MUJI. Cuenta con 7 plantas, en las que no solo encontraremos las queridas secciones de almacenamiento, hogar, papelería, ropa y cuidado de la piel, sino también un restaurante MUJI, un mercado de frutas y verduras, un puesto de zumos, una panadería y un servicio de preparación de té, entre otras cosas. Horario: Lunes-Domingo: 11:00-21:00
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If you are searching for sleek, minimalist design and low-waste packaging, you can't miss visiting MUJI - you can find everything from clothing, cosmetics, skin care goods, stationery, travel goods, food, beverages and even furniture!


13:00 | Don't miss Japan's amazing sushi

From the more laid-back restaurants around Tsukiji, to classier ones the closer you are to Ginza... All offer great quality, but you should definitely consider your budget and choose accordingly! 🍣


1. Lunch time is much cheaper than dinner to eat around (sometimes like 50%!), so do bear this in mind if you'd like to try something fancier but affordable - less than ¥10,000.

2. Some restaurants are by reservation only, so do check that in advance to avoid last-minute disappointments!

Affordable options:

Definitely around Tsukiji, you can also check the Tsukiji Nippon Fish Port Market, which has a nice terrace on the top floor, and some restaurants & stalls inside.

Tsukiji Nippon Fish Port Market
🇬🇧 Tsukiji Nippon Fish Port Market is a direct sales market in Tsukiji. You can find everything from rare fish from all over the country, morning-caught seafood, and more from fishery associations all over Japan, as well as goods for business use. Business hours: Monday-Tuesday: 05:00-15:00 Friday-Saturday: 05:00-15:00 CLOSED on Wednesdays and Sundays. Price range: ¥1000-3000 (average!) __________________________________________________________________ 🇪🇸 Tsukiji Nippon Fish Port Market es un mercado de venta directa en Tsukiji. Se puede encontrar de todo, desde pescados raros de todo el país, marisco capturado esa misma la mañana, y más productos de las asociaciones pesqueras de todo Japón, así como artículos para uso comercial. Horario: Lunes-Martes: 05:00-15:00 Viernes-Sábado: 05:00-15:00 CERRADO los miércoles y los domingos. Rango de precios: ¥1000-3000 de media
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Affordable high-end lunch sets

I did a lot of research when a friend visited me from abroad - he specifically wanted to eat good sushi and didn’t mind about budget… 👀😆

Restaurants offer lunch options from time to time, so be sure to check if there are any lunch deals in restaurants you’d like to try, because they are seasonal and depend on the time of the year ✨

These were some Michelin-star options I looked into! 👀⭐️

Sushi Keita
🇬🇧 Chef Keita Aoyama opened this venue in 2017, and it didn't take long for him to receive a Michelin star ⭐️ This is a Hokkaido-born chef who mastered the Tokyo style of sushi, and now enjoys a reputation as one of the best chefs in the Tsukiji area. Price range: Lunch: ¥10,000-¥14,999. Dinner: ¥20,000-¥29,999. NOTE: Reservations can only be made by telephone 📞 __________________________________________________________________ 🇪🇸 El chef Keita Aoyama abrió este local en 2017, y no tardó en recibir una estrella Michelin ⭐️ Se trata de un chef nacido en Hokkaido que dominó el estilo de sushi de Tokio, y ahora disfruta de la reputación de ser uno de los mejores chefs de la zona de Tsukiji. Rango de precios: Almuerzo: ¥10,000-¥14,999. Cena: ¥20,000-¥29,999. NOTA: Solo se puede realizar una reserva por vía telefónica 📞
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Sushi Ginza Onodera - Souhonten
🇬🇧 2 Michelin star Edomae sushi omakase ⭐️⭐️ NOTE: Reservations can be made online! Business hours: Lunch 11:00-12:45/13:00-14:45 Dinner 17:00-19:15/17:30-19:45/19:30-21:45/20:00-22:15 Price range: From ¥8,800-27,000, depending on whether it is lunch menu, omakase (chef's choice), pieces of nigiri, etc - prices are detailed on their website! __________________________________________________________________ 🇪🇸 Sushi al estilo Edomae a elección del chef (omakase) con 2 estrellas Michelin ⭐️⭐️ NOTA: ¡Se puede reservar en línea! Horario: Almuerzo 11:00-12:45/13:00-14:45 Cena 17:00-19:15/17:30-19:45/19:30-21:45/20:00-22:15 Rango de precios: De ¥8,800-27,000, dependiendo de si es el menú de almuerzo, omakase (elección del chef), cantidad de nigiri, etc - ¡los precios se encuentran detallados en su página web!
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At the end of the day, you’re in Japan, so any option you choose will probably be memorable & stimulate your taste buds! 🤤


15:00 | Explore Hamarikyu Gardens

I can't belive these gardens are right in the middle of Tokyo and people hardly ever visit them! Most foreigners (and Japanese!) usually visit Yoyogi and Shinjuku parks, and completely overlook Hamarikyu. I find the contrast between Japanese gardens and skyscrapers very appealing 🌳🎋🤩

NOTE: They are around 20 minutes on foot from Ginza, and I would say that it's easier to walk than use the public transport.

Hamarikyu Gardens
🇬🇧 Take a step into this beautiful Edo-period (1603–1867) garden with a teahouse built to look as if it were floating on the water and discover a world separate from the high-rise buildings of the city. The garden is located on the edge of Tokyo Bay, and is the only Edo garden to incorporate seawater into the garden's pond. General admission: ¥300 Business hours: Monday-Sunday: 9:00-17:00 Getting there: Shimbashi Station __________________________________________________________________ 🇪🇸 Adéntrate en este hermoso jardín del periodo Edo (1603-1867) con una casa de té construida para que parezca que flota sobre el agua, y descubre un mundo alejado de los altos edificios de la ciudad. El jardín está situado al borde de la bahía de Tokio, y es el único jardín Edo que incorpora agua de mar en el estanque del jardín. Entrada general: ¥300 Horario: De lunes a domingo: 9:00-17:00 Cómo llegar: Estación de Shimbashi
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Last time I showed a friend around, I had to rush to arrive to the Tea House before it closed, so I recommend checking the time in advance so you can enjoy the gardens well. I really recommend getting a set with Japanese matcha & traditional sweets (wagashi) 

🇬🇧 Enjoy the peaceful scenery of the beautiful landscaped garden over a bowl of freshly whisked matcha served with wagashi - traditional Japanese confectionery. If you can’t get enough of traditional teahouse aesthetics, then join the garden’s guided tour (in Japanese only) every Thursday (from 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00 and 14:00) that takes you into two other teahouses on the premises which are usually closed to visitors. Business hours: Monday-Sunday: 9:00-16:30 __________________________________________________________________ 🇪🇸 Disfruta de la paz que se respira en este hermoso jardín mientras saboreas una taza de matcha recién preparado y servido con wagashi, un dulce tradicional japonés. Si deseas saber más sobre la estética tradicional de las casas de té, puedes unirte a la visita guiada del jardín (sólo en japonés) todos los jueves (de 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00 y 14:00), en la que visitarás otras dos casas de té del recinto, que suelen estar cerradas a los visitantes. Horario: De lunes a domingo: 9:00-16:30
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There's a terrace where you can sit out to eat (there are a few tables!), or you can simply take some great photos!

The matcha & Japanese traditional sweet should cost around ¥1000 (prices keep changing, but it shoul cost slightly less than that!).


1. You can only access the traditional house if you order something

2. You will have to take off your shoes, place them in the locker (wherever there's a space), and queue to order and pay. You may then check where you want to sit - they will give you a number and will bring the matcha to wherever you're sitting 🍵

If you're interested about seeing more about Hamarikyu, I recommend following this link to my IG post! 🥳🔥

17:30 | Any Ghibli fans here?

On your way to Shiodome Station there's a MUST for every Ghibli fan: this clock was designed by Miyazaki himself, and it springs into life a few times a day:

Monday to Friday: 12:00, 13:00, 15:00, 18:00, 20:00

Saturday and Sunday: 10:00, 12:00, 13:00, 15:00, 18:00, 20:00

*The performance begins approximately 3 minutes before each performance.  

NTV Big Clock (Hayao Miyazaki)
🇬🇧 This artwork was designed by Hayao Miyazaki himself to reproduce the art of his movie Howl’s Moving Castle 🏯 and made by sculptor Kunio Shachimaru with an abundance of details that unconditional fans will be thrilled to find. Monday to Friday: 12:00, 13:00, 15:00, 18:00, 20:00 Saturday and Sunday: 10:00, 12:00, 13:00, 15:00, 18:00, 20:00 *The performance begins approximately 3 minutes before each performance. __________________________________________________________________ 🇪🇸 Esta pieza de arte fue diseñada por el propio Hayao Miyazaki para recrear el arte de su película El Castillo Ambulante 🏯, y fue elaborada por el escultor Kunio Shachimaru con abundantes referencias que harán las delicias de los fans incondicionales. De lunes a viernes: 12:00, 13:00, 15:00, 18:00, 20:00 Sábados y domingos: 10:00, 12:00, 13:00, 15:00, 18:00, 20:00 *El espectáculo comienza aproximadamente 3 minutos antes de cada función.
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18:30 | Check some impressive views of Tokyo (for free!?)

Not only are the views from the 45th floor stunning, admission to the observation decks is also free, making it the Tokyoite’s best-kept secret... not to mention a fantastic date spot! 🌇

Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building
🇬🇧 There are two towers, and therefore two observation decks to visit. On a clear day, you’ll be rewarded with views of Odaiba and as far as Mt. Fuji from the South Observation Deck. The night views from the North Observation Deck are also stunning, and for this reason it’s open until 22:30. To access the observatories, please take the Observatory Elevator from the 1st Floor of Main Building No. 1. Business hours: Monday-Sunday: 9:30-22:00 (last admission at 21:30 pm) - IRREGULARLY CLOSED (also in case of bad weather, holidays, etc) __________________________________________________________________ 🇪🇸 Hay dos torres y, por tanto, dos plataformas de observación. Si el día está despejado, desde el mirador sur se pueden contemplar vistas de Odaiba y del monte Fuji. Las vistas nocturnas desde la plataforma de observación norte también son impresionantes, y por eso está abierta hasta las 22:30 horas. Para acceder a los observatorios se debe tomar el ascensor del Observatorio en la primera planta del edificio principal nº 1. Horario: De lunes a domingo: de 9:30 a 22:00 (última entrada a las 21:30) - CERRADO DE FORMA IRREGULAR (también en caso de mal tiempo, días festivos, etc.)
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19:30 | Dinner time

One of my favourite ramen spots is just around the corner and closes at 21:00... Are you ready for some mouth-watering shrimp or tomato-based dipping (tsukemen) ramen? 🍜

Every single time I choose shrimp-base, it’s spectacular! 🦐🤤

You can find the restaurant here:

Tsukemen Gonokami
🇬🇧 Starting at ¥1000, the ebi (shrimp) tsukemen is the star here. Unlike regular ramen, this is eaten by dipping thick, chewy noodles into a hot, dense soup made primarily with shrimp. NOTE: Bear in mind that to eat here you will probably have to queue around 30 minutes... Which happens in every single great restaurant in Tokyo (unless you can make a reservation!). Business hours: Monday-Sunday: 11:00-21:00 Price range: ¥1000-1500 __________________________________________________________________ 🇪🇸 Con un precio a partir de 1.000 yenes, el tsukemen de gambas es el plato estrella. A diferencia del ramen normal, se come mojando fideos gruesos en una sopa caliente y densa hecha a base de gambas. NOTA: Hay que tener en cuenta que para comer aquí probablemente haya que hacer una cola de unos 30 minutos... Algo que ocurre en todos los mejores restaurantes de Tokio (¡a menos que puedas reservar!). Horario: De lunes a domingo: 11:00-21:00 Rango de precio: ¥1000-1500
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Do you feel more like meat? There are many options in Shinjuku to dine at an izakaya (Japanese restaurant, typical for after-work drinks) and yakiniku (Japanese BBQ).

Here is one option, with an all-you-can-eat & drink menu:

Nikuya no Daidokoro
🇬🇧 Conveniently located at just a 3-minute walk from Shinjuku Station East Exit, this restaurants allows you to experience Japanese beef BBQ (yakiniku). You can choose between three all-you-can-eat courses: - Nikuya no Daidokoro Course (88 dishes, 100 minutes) | ¥4500 - Nikuya no Daidokoro Course with All-You-Can-Eat Beef Tongue (105 dishes, 100 minutes) - same, but with beef tongue & sirloin | ¥6000 - Premium Wagyu Course (107 items, 100 minutes) - includes wagyu meat | ¥8000 *Includes all-you-can-drink soft drinks, if you want to add all-you-can-drink alcohol, it will be ¥1500 extra* __________________________________________________________________ 🇪🇸 Situado a tan solo 3 minutos a pie de la Salida Este de la Estación de Shinjuku, en este restaurante podrás experimentar la barbacoa japonesa con ternera local (yakiniku). Se puede elegir entre tres planes: - Plan Nikuya no Daidokoro (88 platos, 100 minutos) | ¥4500 - Plan Nikuya no Daidokoro con lengua de buey ilimitada (105 platos, 100 minutos) - igual, pero con lengua y solomillo de buey | ¥6000 - Plan Premium con Wagyu (107 platos, 100 minutos) - incluye carne wagyu | ¥8000 *Incluye bebidas no alcohólicas ilimitadas; si prefieres bebidas alcohólicas ilimitadas, deberás pagar un suplemento de 1.500 yenes*
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22:00 | Up to some drinks?

Bar Benfiddich
🇬🇧 Among the World's 50 Best Bars, and Asia's current #4... so definitely a spot to check out if you're in Shinjuku and enjoy drinks! NOTE: You NEED a reservation in order to get in! Business hours: Monday-Saturday: 17:00-24:00 Price range: ¥2000 a drink __________________________________________________________________ 🇪🇸 Está entre los 50 mejores bares del mundo, y actualmente es el número 4 de Asia... ¡así que no hay duda de que es un lugar que debes visitar si estás en Shinjuku y disfrutas de una buena copa! NOTA: para entrar NECESITAS una reserva. Horario: De lunes a sábado: 17:00-24:00 Precios: ¥2000 por cada bebida
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Where to Stay

You must know this by now: Tokyo is MASSIVE, so at the time of choosing a hotel (or hotels!) you should take into account the areas you intend to visit, as well as good train connections 🏨

I really don't recommend staying in the outskirts of the city centre to save some cash - commuting takes time, plus trains might be crowded, and it can be inconvenient to carry heavy luggage on foot for long...

Here I've made a list of convenient locations according to this map (& main attractions in Tokyo!):


Ginza is close to Tokyo Station, which is on the way if you're coming from Narita Airport! 🚝 The area is quite fancy, and it's near Tsukiji, Tokyo Tower, Tokyo Skytree, Ueno, Akihabara and DisneyLand, among others!

Sotetsu Fresa Inn Ginza-Nanachome
🇬🇧 Well-located, good prices & clean - ideal if you want to save a bit of budget but be comfortable in your own room. This is a typical business hotel with Japanese aesthetic. It includes pyjamas and other amenities! :) __________________________________________________________________ 🇪🇸 Bien situado, buenos precios y limpio - ideal si quieres ahorrar un poco de presupuesto pero estar cómodo en tu propia habitación. Se trata de un hotel de negocios típico con estética japonesa. ¡Incluye pijama y otras comodidades! :)
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The Royal Park Canvas - Ginza Corridor
🇬🇧 The Royal Park Canvas Ginza Corridor is a luxury 4-star Hotel. It is definitely elegant and luxurious, and will definitely make your stay in Tokyo memorable. Has a fancy bar, a restaurant with a terrace and a room where you can play the vinyls of your choice! __________________________________________________________________ 🇪🇸 El Royal Park Canvas Ginza Corridor es un lujoso hotel de 4 estrellas. Es muy elegante y lujoso, y hará que tu estancia en Tokio sea inolvidable. Cuenta con un bar de moda, un restaurante con terraza y una sala donde podrás reproducir los vinilos que elijas.
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Shinjuku is another area with good access in Tokyo - it's close to Shibuya, Shimokitazawa, Nakameguro, Omotesando, Mitaka... It's also a great departure spot for one-day trip locations like Yokohama, Mt. Takao, Nikko, and many others!

About my first recommendation in the area: I'm sorry but... Who doesn't dream of sleeping (or staying awake!) next to tons of books??? 📚🥴

Book And Bed Tokyo Shinjuku
🇬🇧 Book and Bed Tokyo Shinjuku is a hostel with a twist - you sleep in boxes between hundreds of books lining the shelves! A night’s stay here is a charming bookish experience for bibliophiles. It is conveniently located near Shinjuku Station. Its location on the 8th floor makes it a little tricky to find, but you’re rewarded with great views of the surrounding area through large glass windows. __________________________________________________________________ 🇪🇸 Book and Bed Tokyo Shinjuku es un albergue con una peculiaridad: dormirás en compartimentos situados entre centenares de libros que ocupan las estanterías. Una noche aquí es una emocionante experiencia para los bibliófilos. Se encuentra cerca de la estación de Shinjuku. Su ubicación en la 8ª planta hace que sea un poco difícil de encontrar, pero te recompensarán las magníficas vistas de los alrededores a través de las grandes ventanas de cristal.
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Would you rather have views of Mt. Fuji? 🗻

Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo
🇬🇧 Since opening in 1971 this Japanese-owned hotel has seen more than 29 million guests pass through its nearly 1,500 rooms. This is a large hotel, with 15 different restaurants, many shops and even its own Japanese tea house where you can experience a tea ceremony. __________________________________________________________________ 🇪🇸 Desde su apertura en 1971, este hotel de propietarios japoneses ha visto pasar por sus casi 1.500 habitaciones a más de 29 millones de huéspedes. Se trata de un inmenso hotel con 15 restaurantes diferentes, muchas tiendas e incluso su propia casa de té japonesa, donde podrás experimentar una ceremonia del té.
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If you're looking for a unique stay

Would you dare try a hotel which exclusively employs robots? 

This hotel was recognised by the Guinness World Records as the World's first hotel with working robots... A must in my opinion! 😆🔥

Henn na Hotel Tokyo Ginza
🇬🇧 Recognized by Guinness World Records as the world’s first hotel with working robots. Besides humanoid robots you can experience the latest technology such as METAQUEST2, LG Styler, GOOGLE CHROME CAST __________________________________________________________________ 🇪🇸 Ha sido reconocido por el Libro Guinness de los récords como el primer hotel del mundo en el que trabajan robots. Además de robots humanoides, podrás disfrutar de la última tecnología, como METAQUEST2, LG Styler, GOOGLE CHROME CAST...
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How many nights do you need in Tokyo?

After living near Tokyo for around 4 years... I'd say a lifetime! 😆 (just kidding haha) I would definitely spend 3-5 days, or as long as your trip allows, taking into account that there are many other beautiful regions in Japan!

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Enjoy your trip to Japan...

またね ! 🌸

Kathryn @islanderinjapan

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* * *
Hi! / ¡Hola! / こんにちは!🤩🌸 I went from the Canary Islands to Japan in 2019, and since then I’ve explored 40/47 prefectures in depth (mostly solo travelling! 😳), got my Japanese driving license 🚙, made true friendships, learned conversational Japanese & started my own company! I can help you explore off-the-beaten-path locations, try local restaurants & cafes, check cool spots for photos and *avoid the crowds* 🤫 __________________________________________________________ Hi! / ¡Hola! / こんにちは! 🤩🌸 Fui de Canarias a Japón en 2019, y desde entonces he recorrido a fondo 40/47 prefecturas (¡la mayoría yo sola! 😳), obtuve el carnet de conducir japonés 🚙, hice muy buenas amistades, aprendí japonés básico, ¡e incluso empecé mi propia empresa! Puedo ayudarte a explorar lugares menos transitados, probar restaurantes y cafeterías locales, descubrir lugares bonitos para fotos y *evitar el gentío* 🤫
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