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David Morard
Hey,ย  Thank you for stopping by and reading my bio. My name is David Morard. I grew up in the Swiss Alps, raised by a Spanish mother and a Swiss father. Lost amid a cultural blend, I have struggled to feel at home anywhere. It is what, I believe, has set me on the path of a "nomadic lifestyle".ย  (sorry for using this phrase but It does explain well) From an early age, I was already curious about different cultures and would be intrigued by people's nationality and country. Having the chance to grow up speaking two different languages (French and Spanish) didn't feel enough, and my first extended trip took me to New Zealand to learn English. Since then, the itch in my feet hasn't stopped.ย  As much as travelling has always been appealing, finding the style of travel I loved took me some time. I even slowly made a career in hospitality and tourism, starting from helping in hostels across South America to managing a boutique surf camp in Indonesia. But this is enough of my little person; in the end, I am just another lost soul that can't stand still somewhere, and when I get bored, I move somewhere else.ย  However, through this path, I wasn't too bad at planning and decided to name myself a travel designer and start "Unnaut." A travel platform focused on designing conscious travel itineraries. I promote slow-adventure travel by the ocean and help you get the most out of the culture of the country you would like to travel to.ย  Here in Thatch, I will be sharing spaces I have discovered and have loved to spend time at. Spaces I would like you to enjoy in your future adventure. And if you would like something that reflects you, just hit me up. โœ‰๏ธ ๐ŸŒ new website coming soon
Slow Travel โ€ข Budget โ€ข Sustainable/Eco โ€ข People & Culture โ€ข Adventure โ€ข Vegetarian โ€ข Gluten-free / Celiac โ€ข Vegan โ€ข Digital Nomads โ€ข Couples
Haley Anderson
Lives in Chicago, IL, USA
Hi, Iโ€™m Haley a travel consultant originally from Chicago! I have visited 30+ countries and have experienced many different styles of travel. From solo traveling through southeast Asia for 6 months while unemployed, working remotely through central and south America as a digital nomad, volunteering as a yoga instructor for free accommodation and perks, to organizing group trips with friends and family for weekend or week long trips; I will adjust my lifestyle to fit my travel bug any chance I can! Now, I want to help you plan that trip you have been wanting to take or craft the lifestyle that fills you with joy through the experiences that are engaging in different cultures and ways of life. If this resinates with you, book a consultation with me so we can discuss what serves you and how I can assist in making that a reality in your life! Countries Visited - North America : USA, Mexico, Puerto Rico - Central America: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Belize, Saint Martin, The Bahamas, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Panama -South America: Colombia, Galapagos Islands, Peru - Europe: Spain, Italy, Greece, France, Austria, Ireland, England, The Netherlands, Germany, Portugal, The Vatican, Hungary - Asia: Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore - Africa: Morocco
Female Solo โ€ข Backpacker โ€ข Adventure โ€ข Budget โ€ข Sustainable/Eco โ€ข Slow Travel โ€ข Foodie โ€ข Wellness โ€ข History โ€ข Nature โ€ข Coffee โ€ข People & Culture โ€ข Digital Nomads
Emily Gladys Toll
Lives in Banff, AB, Canada
As I begin this journey into travel "influencing", I asked myself: What makes me a great travel content creator/ โ€œinfluencerโ€? This was my answer... Travel is my OBSESSION. It begins with the foundation of my education. I studied Hospitality, Hotel and Restaurant management in college. I also have my WSET Level One, which is sommelier studies or the beginning of the process of becoming a sommelier. I studied in Niagara on the Lake which is in the Niagara region of Ontario. Niagara Falls isnโ€™t but 20 minutes away. Itโ€™s like the Las Vegas of Canada. So tourism and travel to that area is off the charts. From there my heart got called to the Rocky Mountains of Canada. Which is arguably one of the most desired destination spot in North America, never mind the world. Over the span of 5 years I have worked in two world renowned Hotels and a Ski Resort; Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge, Fairmont Banff Springs and Banff Sunshine Village Ski Resort. This period in my life is where I truly discovered my passion and obsession with traveling internationally. In 2014 I discovered my love for Backpacking and seeing all parts of what a country has to offer. This journey started with a month long trek in the incredible country of Panama. Traveling as the only female, with a group of male colleagues, to around 5 different regions of the country, learning the culture, the language, and the depth Panama holds. The next country I spent a month in was Belize. Again, roaming the different regions, food and activities you can find in one of the most beautiful Caribbean countries. Other countries I visited during this period of my life were Costa Rica and Jamaica. Then came the beginning of a new chapter and adventure; Bali Indonesia and then Australia for two years. Australia is where I met my man. My visa expired the end of 2018, he got his and we moved back to Banff where we have lived for the last 5 years. During covid, we did a lot of exploring the west coast of Canada. Uculet, Tofino, Vancouver, and the Okanagan. After covid, we then did a two week trek exploring Baja California Surr in Mexico and the world class beaches that state has to offer. We rented a car and drove literally all around the province. And recently we just got back from exploring the insanely beautiful country of Portugal. Again where we rented a car and drove all around the country side. All the way from Nazare to the Algarve Coastline and everything in between. Iโ€™ve stayed in countless hostels, hotels and resorts. Worked and dined in dive bars and 5 star restaurants and everything in between. Spent 2 years living and working abroad in a country on the other side of the planet from everything familiar to me. Having visited 9+ Countries in the last 10 years, my twenties were truly dedicated to exploring as much of the world as I could with what I had. And because of these experiences, I completely understand the value and quality of a whole range of travel experiences; from camping in Tofino, too dining at the Shangri La in Sydney Australia. Now that I have stepped into my thirties, I am completely ready for more, to see more and experience more of this incredible planet. My passion and excitement for capturing and experiencing beautiful moments in time that only happen once in a lifetime, is truly what I live for. I believe and wish for everyone to have the opportunity to experience breathless moments in captivating unfamiliar places around the world. Stuart and I are currently working on Vlogs about our latest trips to Mexico and Portugal and also have very big plans of overlanding the west coast of Canada, the USA and into Mexico. So keep an eye out for these coming adventures๐Ÿ’•
Adventure โ€ข Backpacker โ€ข Overlanding โ€ข Budget โ€ข Beach Holidays/ Surf โ€ข Romantic โ€ข Slow Travel
Lives in Ottawa, ON, Canada
Welcome to my world of travel! Here you'll find a wealth of guides, tips, and custom travel services designed to fulfill your wanderlust. Whether you're seeking to explore Ottawa and its surrounding regions, venture across Canada, or embark on international adventures, I've got you covered. When it comes to my travel style, I thrive on seeking out unique and immersive experiences that go beyond the typical tourist attractions. I love engaging in adventurous activities that get my adrenaline pumping, whether it's hiking up beautiful mountains, kayaking through canyons, or whitewater rafting through crystal-clear waters . I also have a deep appreciation for the local culture and traditions of the places I visit.And, as a self-proclaimed foodie, I take great pleasure in exploring the culinary delights of each destination. From savoring street food delicacies to discovering hidden gems in local markets, I believe that food is an integral part of understanding a culture's essence. So, whether I'm hiking to a hidden waterfall, joining a traditional cooking class, or delving into the vibrant nightlife of a city, my travel style encompasses a perfect blend of adventure, cultural immersion, and gastronomic exploration. If you need tips for any of the below places, I'm your girl! Cambodia, Canada (Calgary, Banff/The Rockies, & Edmonton, Alberta; Newfoundland; Halifax, Nova Scotia; Quebec; and all across Ontario, including Toronto and Ottawa) Colombia, Croatia, Greece, Indonesia (Bali), Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Panama, The Philippines, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Thailand, USA (Arizona; Palm Springs & San Francisco, California; Los Vegas, Nevada; Nashville, Tennessee; Texas; Puerto Rico), and Vietnam. Have questions about a place I haven't been to? Let me leverage my international network of friends and family to help you out ๐Ÿ˜Š --- Having called Ottawa home for over 7 years, I've developed a deep connection with this captivating city and a passion for sharing its best-kept secrets. Whether you're planning a short visit or considering a more permanent transition, I'm here to guide you every step of the way.
Adventure โ€ข Outdoors โ€ข Foodie โ€ข Backpacker โ€ข Female Solo โ€ข People & Culture โ€ข History โ€ข Architecture
coolest neighbours
Lives in Porto, Portugal
๐Ÿ™Œ Welcome to coolest neighbours, your passport to off-the-beaten-path adventures! We're Isabel and Josรฉ, two Portuguese engineers with an insatiable appetite for exploration. It's the thrill of exploring new cultures, savouring exotic cuisines, and diving headfirst into the unknown. We're not your average travellers; we're seekers of cultural immersion, hardcore foodies and firm believers that the best adventures lie off the beaten path. ๐ŸŒ With over 40 countries stamped in our passports, we've honed our travel expertise to uncover the hidden gems that often escape the tourist radar. We are more about people watching and wondering among the locals, than hitting that world-renown monument. What sets us apart? It's our commitment to going beyond the obvious tourist guide and diving deep into each destination. Food is something that we take very seriously. We make sure to find the gems that will show you true local experiences and assure you stares from the locals - "How did they find this?". ๐Ÿงณ Why should you trust us? Because we've been there. We've navigated bustling souks in Marrakech, trekked through lush jungles in Costa Rica, and shared meals with locals in remote mountain villages in Vietnam. We've learned from our experiences, embracing the unexpected twists and turns that make travel so exhilarating. So whether you're dreaming of exploring hidden temples in Indonesia, embarking on a culinary journey through Greece, or seeking adrenaline-pumping thrills in the rugged landscapes of Namibia, we will craft an unforgettable adventure tailored just for you. Follow us at @coolestneighbours, where we share trips every week! ๐Ÿ˜ Hear it from our customers: "Isabel and Josรฉ were supper fast in delivering the itinerary! Super professional and interested in understanding exactly what I wanted and my expectations! Very cool itinerary with amazing food tips! The google maps links make it very user-friendly! Totally recommend it!" - Ana and Miguel Isabel and Josรฉ
Foodie โ€ข Adventure โ€ข Outdoors โ€ข Backpacker โ€ข Budget โ€ข Slow Travel โ€ข People & Culture
Jaya Ruzans
Lives in Gold Coast QLD, Australia
Hi, I'm Jaya. I backpack full time around the world, always on a carefully curated budget. Somehow, I end up with loads of free accommodation, in rural areas of countries with locals, at festivals with a free wristband or travelling an entire country in a van for next to nothing. How I get through most of my trips is a shock to even me, but I always pull through with some of the most amazing experiences. I've been trying to figure out how I can best help others begin their travel journey, spend less or have a smoother ride. Thatch fell right in my lap and I couldn't be more thrilled to test this out! I want to be available for personally curated travel advice, for trip tips / guides to cities you've never been. If you need budget help I'm all over crunching numbers (weirdo, I know). I just have so many conversations with friends in my orbit, and I know in my heart I can help some others out there. Some highlights of my trips I'd love to share tips on; I flew from Australia to Europe for $360aud. I travelled in a van from north to south Portugal for $300aud for a whole week. I've volunteered in rural Indonesia teaching a muslim community English, I donated $90aud and I had free accommodation, transport and food for the entire 10 day stay. I managed to get 7 weeks free accommodation across a European Summer one year & saved thousands of dollars. I also want to mention, I'm a massive advocate for dining out, good coffee and good wine. I'm not much of a shopper, but will buy something if my wardrobe wouldn't survive without it (vintage, yes please!) I do travel very light with a 30L backpack that covered me for 5 months straight, & I still haven't seen the brand go viral yet? Everything I've learnt feels far too good to gate keep. So here I am ready to put it all on the table just for you.
Backpacker โ€ข Female Solo โ€ข Van Life โ€ข Budget โ€ข Slow Travel โ€ข Wellness โ€ข Backpackers โ€ข Nature โ€ข Art โ€ข Adventure โ€ข Coffee โ€ข Photography โ€ข Road Trip โ€ข Wine โ€ข Digital Nomads โ€ข People & Culture
New Pro
Lives in Christchurch, Neuseeland
โ—PLEASE NOTEโ— I'm trilingual. I offer my services here in English but I can also provide them in German ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช and Spanish ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ธ if youย contactย meย โœจ Hi everyone ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป I'm Sarah from Germany and my biggest passion is everything related to travel. I not only LOVE to organize my own travels but also help others make travelling and especially planning easier. Below you can find some facts about me to get to know me a little better ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐ŸŒ I'm backpacking solo around the world since 2017, exploring new places and cultures. I love to travel off the beaten path as I think this is the best way to experience local life and discover places away from mass tourism. ๐Ÿ—ป I've lived in New Zealand for 2,5 years, exploring this beautiful country in my van and I've also lived in Australia and Uruguay for one year each. ๐Ÿฅฅ I always try to spend as much time as possible in one country to be able to explore it thoroughly. The first thing I usually do is wandering the streets to get a feel for the place, visiting local markets and also trying all the food. ๐Ÿž๏ธ๐Ÿ๏ธ I love the outdoors, hiking, chasing waterfalls, driving around with the scooter, scuba diving and snorkeling.
Adventure โ€ข Foodie โ€ข Backpacker โ€ข Female Solo โ€ข Budget โ€ข Slow Travel โ€ข People & Culture โ€ข Outdoors โ€ข Road Trip โ€ข Van Life โ€ข Camping โ€ข Photography โ€ข RV โ€ข Couples โ€ข 50+ โ€ข Groups โ€ข Vegetarian
Vasarฤ— Kฤ—saitฤ—
Lives in Kaunas, Kaunas City Municipality, Lithuania
Iโ€™m Vasare from Lithuania. I have traveled a lot with my parents since childhood. I also attended dances, with which I also had to travel around the world quite a bit. When I grew up, I started to be interested in how everything works in travel planning, because I wanted to travel on my own. Now it is an integral part of my life. I almost always spend most of what I earn on travel. โœˆ๏ธ ๐Ÿงณ I think travel is the only thing we buy that makes us richer๐Ÿ’ฐ For this reason, I really want to help people see the world. I myself am from a small country, Lithuania๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡น. When I travel and people ask me where I'm from, most people don't know my hometown, they only understand when I describe neighboring countries, such as Poland ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฑ Latvia๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ป. For this reason, organizing a trip to my native country and seeing its beauty, architecture, cuisine, would be a pleasure for me. Because we are a small country, but we definitely have something to offer. I like to travel with friends, family or just with a couple. Whenever I travel with friends, I am responsible for the entire trip - from buying the plane tickets to the restaurants we will go to for dinner. I am very responsible and take what I do very seriously. ๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ Therefore, feel free to contact me for anything and I will be happy to answer and help you. "Love is the food of life, travel is the dessert"๐ŸŒโค๏ธ
Family โ€ข Adventure โ€ข Foodie โ€ข Photography โ€ข Budget โ€ข Romantic โ€ข Architecture โ€ข People & Culture โ€ข Nature
Nicole Figura
Lives in Vancouver, BC, Canada
Explore the world, one budget-flexible adventure at a time! I'm Nicole, a 20-something-year-old who's lived in the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, and Canada. As a recent graduate, budget-friendly travel is my expertise. โœˆ๏ธ Plotting my next trip is practically second nature โ€“ there's nothing quite like the thrill of stepping onto an airplane, knowing another escapade awaits. From the bustling streets of New York to the charming villages of Asia, I've left no stone unturned in my quest to experience the world. ๐Ÿฅ— Foodie at heart, I believe a destination's essence can be best captured through its flavours. My travels always include delicious culinary discoveries. ๐Ÿ“ธ Documenting my journeys has become a hobby. A simple travel bug grew into a mission of inspiring others to embrace adventure on whatever budget is available. ๐Ÿ’Œ Ready to embark on your next trip? Shop my curated guides to get some inspiration. Need customized trip-planning services? Let's connect! Slide into my DMs on Instagram (@nicolefiqura) or send an email at I'm here to ensure planning is as incredible as the destinations you'll discover.
Family โ€ข Foodie โ€ข Outdoors โ€ข Female Solo โ€ข Budget โ€ข Sustainable/Eco โ€ข Wellness โ€ข Faith โ€ข Romantic โ€ข Art โ€ข Architecture โ€ข History โ€ข People & Culture โ€ข Boutique โ€ข Relaxation โ€ข Shopping โ€ข Car-free โ€ข Couples โ€ข Coffee โ€ข Slow Travel
Suzette Burton
Lives in New York, NY, USA
๐ŸŒ Hey there, travel enthusiasts! ๐ŸŒ I'm Suzette Burton, and I'm thrilled to connect with all of you. I wear many hats - I'm a filmmaker and a travel influencer, and my mission is to inspire you to explore the world, just as I've been lucky enough to do. From the tender age of nine, I've been captivated by the idea of travel. Back then, I never imagined I'd have the means to embark on these incredible adventures. Yet here I am today, having journeyed to some truly remarkable places! As I started venturing out more, I decided to share my travel experiences with the world via social media. I combined my filmmaking skills to create content that ignites the travel bug in all of you. My journey has been a masterclass in planning, budgeting, ensuring safety, and discovering stunning resorts and Airbnb's. My expertise lies in crafting detailed itineraries, guides, and recommendations. I've explored incredible destinations, from Bali and South Africa to Ghana, Germany, France, Tulum, Egypt, and many more. I'm excited to offer you my personalized itineraries and enchanting hotel suggestions. I also provide one-on-one video consultations, so you can ask all your burning questions about specific locations. Together, we can curate a travel itinerary that's tailor-made for you, allowing you to simply relax and enjoy your adventure! Let's embark on this journey together โ€“ I can't wait to hear from you! โœˆ๏ธ๐ŸŒด
Foodie โ€ข Female Solo โ€ข Budget โ€ข Luxury โ€ข People & Culture โ€ข Relaxation โ€ข Road Trip โ€ข Vegan โ€ข Vegetarian
New Pro
Lives in Denver, CO, USA
Hi! I'm Bethany, an explorer with a passport stamped in 52 countries. Having called three different nations home, I've cultivated a deep appreciation for the cultures our world offers. By day, I navigate a full-time job outside the travel sphere, which fuels my passion for crafting concise yet insightful guides to the remarkable places I've been lucky enough to travel to. Embarking on a journey with me means embracing a blend of adventure, relaxation, and immersion in local customs. As a solo female traveler, I've ventured through 21 countries, and I'm here to share insights on safety and the empowering experience of navigating the globe alone. A glimpse into my roots reveals an American spirit born in Seoul, nurtured in Germany during my childhood, and blossomed in the United States. A decade in the vibrant DC area enriched my life with a wealth of experiences that I'm eager to recommend. Now, I find myself based in Denver, Colorado, brimming with tips for skiing and snowboarding in the winter, and hiking and camping in the summer. Whether it's strolling through historic cityscapes or savoring the diverse flavors of the world, I'm an enthusiast for walking tours and foodie adventures. Balancing a demanding full-time job with an insatiable wanderlust, I make it a goal to take at least three international trips a year, and monthly domestic trips. Join me on this adventure, and let's explore the world togetherโ€”one destination at a time!
Adventure โ€ข Outdoors โ€ข Female Solo โ€ข Photography โ€ข Wellness โ€ข History โ€ข People & Culture โ€ข Digital Nomads
Rachel Chandler
Lives in London, UK
๐ŸŒŸโœˆ๏ธ In 2022, I took a leap of faith and bid farewell to my corporate job, embarking on a full-time travel adventure for an entire year! ๐Ÿ๏ธ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŽ‰ ๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ๐Ÿงญ I spent countless hours researching, curating, and crafting personalised itineraries for each destination, ensuring every moment of the journey was a perfect blend of exploration, local culture, top attractions, and delectable cuisine ๐Ÿ—“๏ธ๐ŸŒฎ ๐Ÿ’Œ Now, I'm thrilled to share my tips, experiences, and itineraries with fellow adventurers like you! ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿค๐ŸŒ If you're preparing for your next trip and finding the perfect destination, I'm here to guide and inspire you to make the most of your travels! ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ๐Ÿ„โ€โ™€๏ธ ๐Ÿ’ก From insider recommendations to budget-friendly options, my goal is to help you unlock unforgettable experiences and create cherished memories while exploring the world! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒ…๐Ÿž๏ธ ๐Ÿฝ๏ธ So, if you're eager to delve into local cultures, visit awe-inspiring attractions, and savor authentic cuisineโ€”all within your meansโ€”join me on this incredible journey of wanderlust and adventure! ๐Ÿœ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ„โ€โ™‚๏ธ๐ŸŒ† Let's make your next trip an extraordinary one! ๐ŸŒ ๐ŸŒบโœจ
Backpacker โ€ข Foodie โ€ข Adventure โ€ข People & Culture โ€ข Road Trip โ€ข Budget โ€ข Outdoors โ€ข Couples โ€ข Digital Nomads
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