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with 613traveller
Lives in Ottawa, ON, Canada
Are you dreaming of a travel experience that's truly one-of-a-kind? Look no further! My personalized consultation service is designed to turn your travel dreams into reality, and here's why it's an opportunity you won't want to miss: 1. Unique Experiences: Imagine a trip that's perfectly tailored to your preferences, interests, and dreams. With my consultation call, I'll provide you with unique advice and guidance, to help you ensure your travel experience is everything you've ever wanted. 2. Insider Insights: Unlock the secrets of every destination with my insider knowledge. I've got the scoop on hidden gems, extraordinary activities, and the best of local culture, giving you access to experiences you won't find in guidebooks. 3. Exclusive Access: Gain exclusive access to a world of opportunities through my extensive international network. From securing the best deals to arranging reservations at the hottest spots, I'll open doors that others can't. 4. Your Style, Your Way: My signature style revolves around uncovering hidden gems, savoring local cuisine, immersing in culture, and offering unique activities. But I'm also here to adapt to your preferences. Whether you crave luxury, family-friendly adventures, or budget-conscious experiences, I've got you covered. Don't miss out on the chance to transform your travel dreams into unforgettable memories. Let's make your next journey the adventure of a lifetime. Book a consultation call with me today, and let the countdown to your dream trip begin!
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Get to know
Welcome to my world of travel! Here you'll find a wealth of guides, tips, and custom travel services designed to fulfill your wanderlust. Whether you're seeking to explore Ottawa and its surrounding regions, venture across Canada, or embark on international adventures, I've got you covered. When it comes to my travel style, I thrive on seeking out unique and immersive experiences that go beyond the typical tourist attractions. I love engaging in adventurous activities that get my adrenaline pumping, whether it's hiking up beautiful mountains, kayaking through canyons, or whitewater rafting through crystal-clear waters . I also have a deep appreciation for the local culture and traditions of the places I visit.And, as a self-proclaimed foodie, I take great pleasure in exploring the culinary delights of each destination. From savoring street food delicacies to discovering hidden gems in local markets, I believe that food is an integral part of understanding a culture's essence. So, whether I'm hiking to a hidden waterfall, joining a traditional cooking class, or delving into the vibrant nightlife of a city, my travel style encompasses a perfect blend of adventure, cultural immersion, and gastronomic exploration. If you need tips for any of the below places, I'm your girl! Cambodia, Canada (Calgary, Banff/The Rockies, & Edmonton, Alberta; Newfoundland; Halifax, Nova Scotia; Quebec; and all across Ontario, including Toronto and Ottawa) Colombia, Croatia, Greece, Indonesia (Bali), Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Panama, The Philippines, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Thailand, USA (Arizona; Palm Springs & San Francisco, California; Los Vegas, Nevada; Nashville, Tennessee; Texas; Puerto Rico), and Vietnam. Have questions about a place I haven't been to? Let me leverage my international network of friends and family to help you out 😊 --- Having called Ottawa home for over 7 years, I've developed a deep connection with this captivating city and a passion for sharing its best-kept secrets. Whether you're planning a short visit or considering a more permanent transition, I'm here to guide you every step of the way.
FOCUSES & SpecialtIes
Female Solo
People & Culture
Ottawa, ON, Canada
San Francisco, CA, USA
Banff, AB, Canada
Newfoundland, Canada
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Whistler, BC, Canada
20 mins
45 mins
90 mins
Live Video Call
Tailored Advice
How does a 1:1 consultation call work?
1:1 consultation calls are blocks of time to dig into the expertise of one of our travel creators. Each creator has destination and travel style specialities, and offers calls for different lengths of time. At the time of the appointment, join the live 1:1 video call from the calendar invite you receive after checkout, ask your questions, and get personalized high-quality advice for your trip.
How long are consultation calls?
Can I book more than one travel creator at the same time?
What timezone are the video consultations based in?
Can I reschedule or cancel my consultation?
Is there guarantee in case I am dissatisfied in the service?
Why do I have to create an account to buy these services?
20 minute live video call
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1:1 Live video call
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