Hire Emily Gladys Toll
to plan your trip
Lives in Banff, AB, Canada
As winter begins here in the Northern Hemisphere, you may be thinking about planning that winter get away! Whether you're a weekend warrior or looking to spend a longer time away, I've got you covered! I've lived in Banff National Park for nearly 10 years now. I have worked at the Fairmont Banff Springs, Sunshine Village Ski Resort, and numerous restaurants around town. So I like to think I know where all the best places are! Whether it's a boujee holiday you are looking for, or on a budget, I've experienced all parts of this beautiful little town! Please fill out the questions I've provided, so I can paint a clear picture of exactly what you're looking for when it comes to visiting Banff and surrounding areas!
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Get to know
Emily Gladys Toll
As I begin this journey into travel "influencing", I asked myself: What makes me a great travel content creator/ “influencer”? This was my answer... Travel is my OBSESSION. It begins with the foundation of my education. I studied Hospitality, Hotel and Restaurant management in college. I also have my WSET Level One, which is sommelier studies or the beginning of the process of becoming a sommelier. I studied in Niagara on the Lake which is in the Niagara region of Ontario. Niagara Falls isn’t but 20 minutes away. It’s like the Las Vegas of Canada. So tourism and travel to that area is off the charts. From there my heart got called to the Rocky Mountains of Canada. Which is arguably one of the most desired destination spot in North America, never mind the world. Over the span of 5 years I have worked in two world renowned Hotels and a Ski Resort; Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge, Fairmont Banff Springs and Banff Sunshine Village Ski Resort. This period in my life is where I truly discovered my passion and obsession with traveling internationally. In 2014 I discovered my love for Backpacking and seeing all parts of what a country has to offer. This journey started with a month long trek in the incredible country of Panama. Traveling as the only female, with a group of male colleagues, to around 5 different regions of the country, learning the culture, the language, and the depth Panama holds. The next country I spent a month in was Belize. Again, roaming the different regions, food and activities you can find in one of the most beautiful Caribbean countries. Other countries I visited during this period of my life were Costa Rica and Jamaica. Then came the beginning of a new chapter and adventure; Bali Indonesia and then Australia for two years. Australia is where I met my man. My visa expired the end of 2018, he got his and we moved back to Banff where we have lived for the last 5 years. During covid, we did a lot of exploring the west coast of Canada. Uculet, Tofino, Vancouver, and the Okanagan. After covid, we then did a two week trek exploring Baja California Surr in Mexico and the world class beaches that state has to offer. We rented a car and drove literally all around the province. And recently we just got back from exploring the insanely beautiful country of Portugal. Again where we rented a car and drove all around the country side. All the way from Nazare to the Algarve Coastline and everything in between. I’ve stayed in countless hostels, hotels and resorts. Worked and dined in dive bars and 5 star restaurants and everything in between. Spent 2 years living and working abroad in a country on the other side of the planet from everything familiar to me. Having visited 9+ Countries in the last 10 years, my twenties were truly dedicated to exploring as much of the world as I could with what I had. And because of these experiences, I completely understand the value and quality of a whole range of travel experiences; from camping in Tofino, too dining at the Shangri La in Sydney Australia. Now that I have stepped into my thirties, I am completely ready for more, to see more and experience more of this incredible planet. My passion and excitement for capturing and experiencing beautiful moments in time that only happen once in a lifetime, is truly what I live for. I believe and wish for everyone to have the opportunity to experience breathless moments in captivating unfamiliar places around the world. Stuart and I are currently working on Vlogs about our latest trips to Mexico and Portugal and also have very big plans of overlanding the west coast of Canada, the USA and into Mexico. So keep an eye out for these coming adventures💕
FOCUSES & SpecialtIes
Beach Holidays/ Surf
Slow Travel
Banff, AB, Canada
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Hotel / Airbnb Recs
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Yes! In fact, many of our customers book multiple travel creators for help with various aspects of their trip. For example, you can have a consultation call with one creator, but then book another to plan and organize your itinerary.
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