V19E6: Moab Jeepin’ on Fins and Things

V19E6: Moab Jeepin’ on Fins and Things

In this episode, Shannon and I take the Jeep into Moab's slick-rock backcountry, and we run the popular four-wheel drive trail, Fins and Things. This board includes location information for the destinations featured in episode V19E6: Moab Jeepin' on Fins and Things.
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Fins & Things
This is a popular four-wheel drive trail in Moab, that requires a high-clearance Jeep, truck, SUV, or ATV. It is not considered difficult, although the loop is like a roller coaster, with rolling domes of slick-rock, steep ascents, decents, off-cambers, and the occasional ledge. A modest suspension lift is required, but the route does not require much in the way of special equipment to enjoy. Although you do have to be comfortable with weird angles, as it is very much like a roller coaster. It costs a $5.00 day use fee to access, payable at the entrance booth, and expect other recreational traffic as it is a lot of fun, and a popular Moab experience!
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Jailhouse Café
Before you hit the trails, we recommend getting breakfast at the Jailhouse Cafe in downtown Moab. There is comfortable seating within the restaurant itself, but they also expanded into the neighboring courtyard with a large heated tent. The food here is good, I really enjoyed the Southwestern Eggs Benedict, with coffee, and orange juice. It does get very busy, however, so there is often a line out the door. I highly recommend getting there as early as possible for choice seating and no wait. It will fill up fast!
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Since 2017, I've traveled full-time throughout the United States and Canada. Today, I'm based in Tucson, Arizona, United States, and specialize in vehicle-supported adventure, remote camping experiences in Arizona, and delicious places to eat and drink around Tucson.
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