First Glance at Buenos Aires, Argentina

First Glance at Buenos Aires, Argentina

Just arrived at Buenos Aires and wanna see a bit of what's around?! Here go some recommendations of places to visit on your very first time around Buenos Aires.
Updated ago


If can't wait to go back to your country with some knick-knacks from here, make sure to get around these places and pick up some unique things along the way.

Galerías Pacífico
It's considered a "Bougie" mall in there, so it won't have the cheapest options. They have an amazing foodcourt though that it's surprisingly affordable and is backed up by a couple of cafes and restaurants located in the lower floor in case you want something fancier ;)
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Peatonal Florida
A walking street full of a bunch of different stores, restaurants and even cultural events. This is the perfect place to find all the souvenirs you want, finding an impromptu tango performance, or just stride around taking it. PD: It looks ten times better at night ;)
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El Ateneo Grand Splendid
Not only the most beautiful library that I've seen in my life, but has an amazingly broad selection of products apart from books. The lower section has casettes and Vinyls on sale all the time and they even have a coffee store so this place is just a must-visit. Fun fact: There's a lights show every hour shown on the painting at the bottom of the cafe ;)
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This place is not considered the Europe of Latin America for nothing. Here are some places to get you a first taste of the rich and antique culture and vibe of this city.

Teatro Colón
They have shows running ALL THE TIME, so make sure to search up their calendar at the link so you can meet any of them.
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Palacio Barolo
Amazing architecture, open Tuesday through Saturday from 12pm-8pm by guided tour only. Tours cost 3,000 ARS.
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Teatro Metropolitan SURA
This is Broadway in Argentina. Quite Literally. Check on their website for all functions and dates when they're being held. Not so fun fact: The page doesn't allow you to book a show unless you're in Argentina so either wait until your there to book it or use a VPN ;)
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Ciudad Cultural Konex
Every Monday they have Bomba de Tiempo with a 3-hour Performance VERY MIXED music. It opens at 7pm with an opening act until 8pm You can buy tickets in advance, but if you don't then make sure to get there early to avoid long lines.
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Puente de la Mujer
It's just a pretty bridge in between the 2 sides of Puerto Madero, so if you're going there, then might as well check this one out ;)
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Casa Rosada
The government holds free tour visits. You can check all the info on their website. Make sure to book it to see the Guard Change ;)
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Of course we're eating good here because Argentinian food is just on another level, here are some places for the foodies out there. 

Puerto Madero
Amazing place for Nightlife!! Specially during the weekends ;) But all day every day, this is filled with restaurants and bars. Keep in mind that prices here tend to be higher but there's still options for everybody.
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San Telmo Market
Tbh is has some very niche things in regards to products (Specifically lots of leather and Mate) But the food options are what stands out and if you wanna the famous Argentinian beef, this is your place ;)
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Pizzería Güerrín
Honestly the best Pizza in Buenos Aires and right in front of the Metropolitan Theather so might as well buckle these up ;)
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Piso 15 Sky Bar by Vuelta Abajo Social Club
Better for groups. Has amazing views of the whole city ;)
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Bonus +

A little extra spot you can fit while checking out the city ;)

Estatua de Mafalda
An amazingly well done set of statues of Mafalda Characters. Really cute for a picture or two, and on the way to Mercado San Telmo ;)
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* * *
Cesar Speaking!! Here is your newly favorite dominican flight attendant ready to share my experience and knowledge of the many places that I've had to priviledge to meet visit and explore. If you're someone that is interested in museums, architecture and basically everything that screams CULTUREEE!! in a country, then tag along on these beautiful adventures, and get the tips and tricks to live them yourself ;)
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