

🇨🇿 2-3 days in Prague - cultural sights, historic landmarks, and panoramic views
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Prague Castle
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With great views of the city skyline, grand courtyards and colourful buildings, Prague Castle is a must-see beyond the history and architecture.

Letna Park
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Letna Park is a great place to relax. It offers stunning views of Prague’s skyline, which you can enjoy with a local beer at the famous Beer Garden.

Charles Bridge
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One of Prague’s most iconic landmarks, Charles Bridge is a pedestrian-only bridge with intricate details, statues and offering great views of the river.

Free Walking Tour Prague
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Joining a free walking tour is a great way to explore the historic centre and learn about its fascinating stories, as well as getting some local tips!

Old Town Square
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Located in the centre of Prague’s old town, the square is vibrant and full of rich architecture. Enjoy the atmosphere with a traditional chimney cake.

Malá Strana
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Below Prague Castle, Lesser Town is a romantic neighbourhood. Stroll through the picturesque streets and enjoy the Wallstein Palace gardens.

Lennon Wall
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Visit the colourful Lennon Wall (in Lesser Town) - a symbol of peace and freedom inspired by the Beatles. Nearby, make sure to not miss Prague’s narrowest street, which is just 50cm wide at it’s narrowest and fits one person (Vinarna Certovka)!

Prague Jewish Quarter
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Immerse yourself in the rich Jewish history of Prague by exploring the Josefov district - make sure to visit the synagogues and Jewish Museum.

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Hi! I’m a keen traveller based in London who likes to get away for long weekends (on a budget). Travelling to me is about more than just ticking off famous landmarks (as much as I enjoy that too); it’s about discovering those lesser-know restaurants, cozy cafes and vibrant hangouts that allow me to learn the local culture. Hanging out with locals and getting a glimpse of their lives is the most authentic travel. I’m adventurous, which means I often choose to walk rather than relying on transport. Not only is it a great way to save some money, but it’s how I find myself stumbling across the tucked-away places. If this sounds like your travel style - join me on my journey as I share my experiences, tips and the joy of wandering off the beaten path!
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