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While its neighbor Croatia gets a lot of attention among world travelers, Montenegro is a personal favorite of the places I've traveled to over the years! My husband and I were looking at places to go for our anniversary one day, hoping for a mix of what we both love when we travel. He's an outdoor adventure fanatic, looking for any and every opportunity to commune with the clouds. I, however, prefer to sit at a cafe table on a cobblestone street, drinking a cup of coffee and reading a book, while I take in the unique buildings and shop for that souvenir I'll take home to add to the collection. In my researching, I found unbeatable flights to a country I hadn't ever heard of, but had it all: Montenegro. Whether you prefer mountains, quaint walled cities, the sea, or a combination of all of these things, Montenegro won't disappoint. While only about the size of the state of Connecticut, Montenegro packs a punch with how much there is to see in the country. Montenegro is right across from Italy on the Adriatic Sea, sharing borders with Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, and Albania. With a 7 day trip, you can see the majority of the country, experiencing the variety and beauty of Montenegro and its people. In this guide, you'll find everything you need to plan your trip to Montenegro! **Included: a list of basic information for travel to Montenegro, recommendations for how to get around, places to stay, what to do, as well as a sample 7 day itinerary
Adventure • Budget • Shopping • Nature • People & Culture • Road Trip • Mountain • Beach • Wine • Coffee
Reasons to visit
Discover the Magic of Žabljak: Montenegro’s Hidden Gem
Perched high in Montenegro’s northern region and surrounded by the tallest peaks of the Dinaric Alps, Žabljak is a paradise for outdoor adventurers and nature lovers alike. This quaint town serves as a gateway to Durmitor National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site, where mesmerising landscapes and thrilling activities await. Whether you're hiking through lush meadows, exploring deep canyons, or taking in the pristine mountain lakes, Žabljak offers a unique blend of rugged beauty and serene tranquillity.
Durmitor National Park
At the heart of Žabljak’s allure lies Durmitor National Park, renowned for its diverse ecosystems and dramatic scenery. Jagged peaks, dense pine forests, and glacial lakes create a picturesque backdrop for countless adventures. The park is a haven for hiking enthusiasts, offering trails that range from leisurely walks to challenging treks, such as the ascent of Bobotov Kuk, Montenegro’s highest peak. For those keen on water activities, Black Lake (Crno Jezero) provides opportunities for kayaking, fishing, and swimming amidst its striking alpine surroundings.
Tara River Canyon
One of the standout features near Žab
Breathtaking mountain landscapes, pristine lakes, and adventure sports, ideal for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts.
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