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Reasons to visit
Cedars of God
Discover the Enchantment of Cedars of God
Nestled within the mystical mountains of Lebanon, the Cedars of God (Horsh Arz el-Rab) offer a transcendent experience for nature lovers and history buffs alike. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is home to ancient cedar trees, some dating back over a millennium. Immersed in biblical history and pristine natural beauty, the Cedars of God is a must-visit destination that offers year-round enchantment.
Bcharre: The Heartbeat of the Cedars
The charming town of Bcharre is the quintessential gateway to the Cedars of God. Perched at an elevation of over 1,500 meters, Bcharre provides panoramic views, quaint accommodations, and a vibrant cultural scene. The town is also the birthplace of revered poet Khalil Gibran, and his legacy is immortalized at the Gibran Museum. Wander through the narrow streets, explore the local boutiques, and embrace the warm hospitality of the locals.
The Cedar Forest: Nature’s Cathedral
Entering the sacred grove of the Cedar Forest is akin to stepping into another world. The ancient cedars, with their gnarled trunks and lofty canopies, evoke a sense of timeless
Cedars of God
Ancient cedar forests, sacred history, and breathtaking mountain scenery, ideal for nature lovers and history buffs.
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