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Reasons to visit
Discovering Anjar: A Gem in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley
Step into the tranquil embrace of Anjar, a historical gem tucked away in Lebanon's picturesque Bekaa Valley. Anjar boasts a unique blend of ancient history, rich culture, and stunning landscapes, making it a must-visit destination for any traveler. Here’s a concise guide to the top areas you should explore in Anjar, highlighting why each spot is worth your visit.
Anjar Citadel
The Anjar Citadel is undoubtedly a highlight of any visit to this ancient city. Also known as the Umayyad Ruins of Anjar, this UNESCO World Heritage site dates back to the 8th century. It offers a captivating glimpse into the past with its well-preserved ruins that showcase the grandeur of Umayyad architecture. Wander through the remnants of palaces, mosques, bathhouses, and the city's elaborate street grid, all of which speak to Anjar’s historical significance as a prosperous trading hub.
The Great Palace
Adjacent to the citadel lies the Great Palace, an imposing structure that once served as a ceremonial palace for the Umayyad caliphs. The palace is particularly noted for its intricate stone carvings and the grand col
Ancient ruins, UNESCO World Heritage site, stunning archaeological wonders, perfect for history and culture explorers.
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