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Get the MOST out of exploring the beauty & limitless fun in the Greek islands! 💦 I've traveled to the Greek islands 4 different summer seasons for 2/3 months each time! Don't believe me? Check out my unique photos of me in the most beautiful, exotic destinations (not on a map) & tell me you don't want to visit the same places ?! AND, save $1000s of dollars from my little tips ... Most people don't ever mention these hard-to-find, secret spots and never share their insider tips so you have the best experience ... 🏞️ Most exotic, secret places to visit off the map (beaches, views, hikes, perfect Instagram shots) that only the locals know (and the best time to visit them based on the sun & the islands activities)! People will be jealous of your picture-perfect, travel Instagram photos ... 🍹Best beach bars, nightclubs, cafes and restaurants to experience the friendliest hospitality in the world & have the most fun depending on your taste for the atmosphere, music and cuisine. 😃 Best Greek one-liners to get the locals to love you off the bat & be the "life of the party!" 📜 The ONLY 3 Greek words to learn to have a smooth experience with the native language. 📑 Insider tips & tricks that cover everything for a 100% smooth travel experience ... From where the best places are to stay for convenience, price and comfort ... To where & how to get the best deals for transportation (E.g. quad bikes, ferries, planes), drinks and food ... And even, where to seek medical attention if something goes wrong! ✈️ How to get a $400 plane ticket from most parts of the world 🌎 🎽And, finally, the important dilemma of what to pack to handle both the weather and activities over there ... That MOST people always can't help to get wrong ... And, I've perfected it so you have the optimal amount of clothes to save on baggage AND I also throw in some baggage tips to pack more in the same space ... ❓ANY EXTRA QUESTIONS? I'LL ANSWER ANYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW!! ALL THIS IN ONLY 1 HOUR ON A PHONE CALL. FEEL THE SAFETY OF KNOWING EXACTLY HOW TO GET THE BEST OUT OF YOUR TRIP! DON'T SPEND HOURS DRAINED RESEARCHING ALL THIS & STILL NOT BEING SURE. HAVE COMFORT IN SOMEONE WHO IS AN EXPERT. DON'T WASTE MONEY ON GETTING RIPPED OFF BY LOCALS! BOOK NOW ... SUMMER SEASON IS COMING IN HOT ... CALL ME NOW BEFORE I END UP THERE THIS SEASON ....
I was just as shocked as you when I learned the news of the recent changes to Universal's Attraction Assistance Pass (AAP). The changes were announced in July 2023, which is less than a month before the creation of this guide. Now, when visiting the parks, guests requiring reasonable accommodations must apply for a third-party IBCCES Accessibility Card (IAC). This card will pre-register guests as someone in need of assistance or accommodation. Once the card is approved, Guest Services will determine what reasonable accommodations can be offered based on the information provided by the guest. I've created this guide with the purpose of offering help to those who may need it while navigating the new process. This guide will be offered at a reduced price due to the nature of the content. I want to make sure this guide is accessible, while being equitable to myself as the publisher, making sure I get paid for the time it took me to create this guide. I am a certified travel professional who works with Universal Destinations and Experiences as a vendor for my agency. Just to clarify, I am not an employee. I am the owner and operator of a travel agency. The thoughts and opinions expressed are solely mine, and I do not represent any particular brand or its subsidiaries. My passion is helping working-class guests visit the nation's leading theme parks and select destinations - usually those with an emphasis on themed entertainment- throughout the United States. I look forward to providing more resources for travelers here on Thatch. Thank you for being here and viewing this guide. Now, let's get started.
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