Results for Como, Côme, Italie

Experience the fashion capital with world-renowned shopping and Michelin-rated restaurants near luxury lakeside resorts with this interactive guide. Known in Italy as Milano, this regional capital city of Lombardia (Italian name) in northern Italy bordered by the Alps of Switzerland to the north, is the fashion capital of Italy (and arguably the world). Virtual explorers and trip planners alike, check out this interactive guide to explore this metropolitan city and its surrounding region. Check out what to SEE + DO, what to SHOP + TASTE, where to EAT + DRINK, how to COME + GO, and places to STAY + REST in Milan. In addition to cultural immersion, this guide provides: 1. Interactive map 2. Portable, mobile-first format 3. "Remixable" make-your-own itinerary 4. "Living" guide that receives updates This guide is intended for you to make your own. Explore at your own pace within your available timeframe. Visit all of the sites or just those that call to you. Skip around or simply glance on the way to your next meal. As a travel expert and creative, I built AMG Inspired to design quality architecture and support sustainable tourism, defined as “tourism that respects both local people and the traveler, cultural heritage and the environment.” Be sure to tag @amginspired in your photos. Note: When you click and buy through links in this guide, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. To help fund production of these guides, tips are highly appreciated.
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Enter the charming neighborhood of Brera and you’ll soon forget all thoughts of the drab, industrialist Milan. Bohemian grit began to fill the cracks between the uneven cobblestone streets here after WWII, and by the 1960s, the local cafes and galleries brimmed with neorealist filmmakers and designers vying for the Compasso d’Oro award. Due north from Milan’s tourist-filled Duomo and past the storied La Scala, austere, modern palazzos make way for colorful residential buildings, their balconies overflowing with succulents, wisteria and honeysuckle. The name Brera comes from the Lombard word ‘Braida’ which means ‘green space.’ Once a fishing village where boats arrived on canals into Milan from the Northern lakes, today it is considered the most bourgeois neighborhood in Milan. To experience a hint of old-world Brera is to shop at the weekly outdoor mercato on Via San Marco, notable for its colorful, overflowing bouquets, ample fresh fish selection, multiple produce stands and Italian fashion staples such as leather gloves and cashmere sweaters. On the winding pedestrian streets, worthwhile boutiques and vintage shops are mixed with tourist-hungry restaurants (to be avoided – I recommend the old-school trattoria tucked away nearby). Brera freshly exhibits a new generation of designers and concept boutiques, and admiration of the supermodel-esque locals. Although more recently famous as a creative’s haven in the 1960s, Brera has for centuries attracted artists and designers who came to study at the art academy within the internationally celebrated museum Pinacoteca di Brera. Soon after it opened, Napoleon, the newly crowned King of Italy, is said to have intended the Pinacoteca to become the Louvre of Italy (Antonio Canova’s colossal marble statue of the monarch sits at the center of the palazzo courtyard today). To follow in the brushstrokes of the prestigious academy’s centuries of attendees is to shop at the historic art supply and print shop Ditta Crespi or flip through the engraved leather journal selection at Pettinaroli.
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