3 Days in Egypt

3 Days in Egypt

John Ainscough
Egypt isn't for long weekend trips, right? You can't see all the wonders in a weekend, can you? We found ourselves in this exact situation a few months ago and wanted to utilise our time to get the most out of it. Here is our advice on how to see many of Egypt's great wonders including the Valley of the Kings and of course the pyramids in only 72 hours. We are not saying you see it all. We just know that if 3 days is all you have, you can really max out that time to the full.
Updated ago

Booking Flights

The best way to enjoy a long weekend in Egypt is to fly in the evening before your 'days off' begin. By doing this, you waste no time. This way, you can make the most of your limited time and experience everything your destination has to offer. Plus, arriving the night before allows you to relax and unwind after your journey, ensuring you're refreshed and ready to make the most of your adventure. We flew into Cairo on Thursday night and immediately boarded our next flight to Luxor. Cairo will be explored before heading home. Let's say you are off Friday - Sunday. You want to book your flights for Thursday night into Cairo and then onto Luxor. When flying back to Cairo from Luxor you have two options, we flew in early early Sunday morning, did everything in one day and then flew home. Some people prefer to fly in Saturday night so that the final day isn't too busy. This is entirely up to you.

Saving money? - There are overnight trains from Cairo to Luxor. It could save you money on flights and a hotel for the night. We just can't promise you'll get much sleep.



Nefertiti Hotel Luxor

Nefertiti Hotel Luxor
This hotel is in the perfect location. Close to the river for an evening cruise while also overlooking the magnificent Luxor Temple, Nefertiti offers comfortable rooms with air conditioning and a private bathroom. Luxor’s railway station is only a 10-minute walk away. We booked ourselves in here for our entire 3 nights and would go back if we were ever in Luxor.
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We booked ourselves in here for our entire 3 nights and would return if we were ever in Luxor.  The location is incredible and along with the price for a room with breakfast included, you can't complain.


Jimmy Pyramid View

Jimmy Pyramids View
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We stayed once on another trip through Cairo and know it would be ideal for anyone looking to spend 1 night in the capital. It boasts the cheapest rooms in Cairo for a rooftop view of the pyramids. Don't get us wrong, there are better hotels with better views. But, you will pay the price for those improvements. This place does the job and doesn't break the bank while doing it. 

Day by Day breakdown

So you either landed the night before or have just touched down in Luxor, let me make this clear, there is one man you want @h.a.b.egypt_guide. We used him, our friends and family have since used him and there is no one better. If he isn't available he will find you someone who is.

If you don't want to go with a guide, no worries, you can hire a car or driver and have them take you where you want to go.

Day 1

Valley of the Kings 

Valley of the Kings
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You want to arrive here as early as possible as it fills up very quickly. However, this place with truly blow your mind. Wander around numerous tombs and take in the incredible architecture of these tombs.

Hatshepsut temple

Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut
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Get your walking shoes on and head over to Hatshepsut Temple. It is dedicated to the female pharaoh Hatshepsut and is one of the most impressive architectural achievements of ancient Egypt. The temple is known for its unique design, with terraces that rise on three levels, connected by ramps and surrounded by cliffs.

Memnon Colossi 

Colossi of Memnon
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Those three locations will fill your day and prepare you for the final activity of the day - A Nile Cruise.

The Nile Cruise

Nile Cruise Luxor&Aswon IncludingTours
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You can book this trip through your hotel or online and it is a beautiful way to wind down your evening after a full first day. However, you may also choose to go to bed early and save this for tomorrow.

Day 2

Set that alarm for 5:45 am because you want to walk from your hotel to Luxor temple for 6 am. Trust us, it's worth it.

Luxor Temple

Luxor Temple
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We spent two hours here without even realising it. Why? Because we got there earlier than anyone else and it was incredibly peaceful. Built on the banks of the Niles, the Luxor temple has so many hidden secrets and impressive monuments to get lost between.

Karnak Temple

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The scale of this place will never sink in. Your mind will not be able to comprehend the height and weight of the columns, the thickness of the walls and the sheer size of the site. We spent many hours here and only scratched the surface. 

Luxor Museum

Luxor Museum
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Finish your day in Luxor with a trip to their newly renovated museum. 

Day 3

Now you've had to make a choice, did you fly to Cairo the night before or in the morning? Neither matter, you've got one destination today.

The Pyramids and Sphinx

You do not need a guide. You do not need to stick to the crazy roads inside the park. You do need to keep an eye out for scammers.Now if you want a guide, that is great. We actually had one but we constantly felt rushed and kept wanting to go and see the pyramids from different angles. Our guide seemed to want to get the tour over with as quickly as possible and be done with us. As for getting around, it's very easy. Follow the road and enjoy the walk.

Pyramids of Giza
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Great Sphinx of Giza
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These humongous behemoths speak for themselves. They are the only way to finish your weekend trip to Egypt before heading back to the airport for your flight home.

Yes, you're tired. Yes, you only scratched the surface. But yes you crammed as much in as you could and saw one of the ancient wonders of the world.

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John Ainscough
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