Where to stay in Bacalar, Quintana Roo, Mexico

Where to stay in Bacalar, Quintana Roo, Mexico

Planning a trip to Bacalar and don't know where to stay? You'll find the best-rated hotels in this beautiful town on this map.
Updated ago
Rancho Encantado
the bungalows have everything you need: free breakfast, a mini bar, a private deck, and a hot tub!
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Hotel Makaaba Eco-Boutique
a very modern hotel, perfect for couples!
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Hotel Azul 36
such a gorgeous hotel with a pool and hammocks to relax after a long day at the lagoon
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Casa Chukum
beautiful 5-star hotel with all of the amenities you might need
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Hotel Aldea 19 Bacalar
this gorgeous hotel is situated directly at the lagoon, the views are incredible!
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Xcabal Hotel Boutique
everything is perfect: location, facilities, and atmosphere!
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La Galuna Bacalar
just a few minutes away from the public entrance to the lagoon (20 Mexican pesos). It's about 15-20 mins walk to the city centre
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BoaBoa Bacalar
a very quiet and private hotel where you can immerse yourself in nature and views on the lagoon
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Villas Ecotucan
wonderful location in the jungle!
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Hotel Aires Bacalar
super relaxing and spacious place
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Rancho Encantado
the bungalows have everything you need: free breakfast, a mini bar, a private deck, and a hot tub!
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Hotel Makaaba Eco-Boutique
a very modern hotel, perfect for couples!
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If you're looking for Bacalar itinerary, check out my guide:

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Welcome to our travel shop! We're Julia and Aaron- a travel content creator couple. We lived in Mexico for over a year so we'll be happy to help you plan your trip there. Currently, we're traveling SE Asia so come join us on our trip ;) instagram: @travel.stressfree
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