When You've Only Got 8-10 Hours In Florence

When You've Only Got 8-10 Hours In Florence

Get a feel for Florence in a short time with this itinerary hitting top attractions, scrumptious food, memorable photo ops and quality shopping.
Updated ago

Florence is filled with so much art and culture that it's definitely worthy of a 3-4 day visit.  It's also a great base for exploring other cities.  However, if you only have time for a day trip to see some highlights, there are a number of things you shouldn't miss. 

While some people visit Florence for the history and museums, others come to shop, eat or just get a feel for the city. With only 8-10 hours, it’s unlikely you will be able to fit in the Uffizi, Accademia, climb the duomo, visit all churches and landmarks, go shopping as well as sit for an authentic meal. However, Baci’s top picks will give you a taste of some of the very best of Florence in a day trip!

Remember, Italy is about slowing down, living in the moment and appreciating your surroundings. In order to have a true and relaxed experience, you can’t rush it doing everything a city is famous for in such a limited time. Otherwise, you’ll be overwhelmed, exhausted and unable to experience the true sensations stimulated by the beauty of Florence.

Obviously, if you are an art or museum enthusiast, you’ll want to add on the Uffizi in addition to the Accademia which isn’t included in this itinerary.  In our experience, most first time visitors on a day trip only choose to see the David because it takes much less time than the Uffizi. 

Florence is easily walkable, so you can hit all of the major landmarks in a short period. Allow yourself to be absorbed in each location you are at by sitting in a piazza to people watch, have a coffee, drink and of course, gelato too! Pick up a panino as you are walking around so you save time for a sit down dinner at the end of your visit. 

Baci’s top picks on the map include a suggested order, but may need to vary the order depending on your reservation times or add ons. You’ll still have time to browse some shops and leisurely sit for an authentic meal at the end of your day. For recommended places to eat, see our article based on food at the end.

Mercato Centrale
Start off browsing the vendors on the ground floor and head upstairs to the wide array of delicacies available for breakfast or a snack. You’ll wet your appetite and need energy for the long day.
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Accademia Gallery
Next head to see Michelangelo’s David. Make reservations in advance, so you don’t waste time waiting on a line.
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Piazza del Duomo
Third stop is the duomo. Walk all around the entire duomo to marvel at it from every angle as you snap away photos. Going inside the cathedral is free but to climb the duomo, you must pay and reserve a spot. A popular caffe here is Caffe Scudieri.
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Piazza della Repubblica
Fourth stop is to see the landmark carousel and Triumphal Arch. Some popular cafes here are Caffe Gilli and Caffe Paszkowski. If you're in the mood for gelato, because who ever isn't, try Badiani at it's second location in Florence, at Via dei Tosinghi, 12r.
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Fontana del Porcellino
On your way to the Ponte Vecchio, you will pass Il Porcellino. It's a perfect time for a photo rubbing the boar's nose.
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Ponte Vecchio
Next walk over the bridge filled with jewelry shops and return back heading towards Piazza della Signoria through il Loggiato degli Uffizi to see the statues such as Lorenzo de Medici, Leonardo da Vinci, Dante Alighieri, Donatello and more.
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Piazza della Signoria
The next stop includes all of the statues at la loggia such as Persues and The Rape of the Sabine Women, plus The replica of David, the Fountain of Neptune, Hercules and Cacus, Cosimo I on horseback and more. You can even walk into the courtyard of Palazzo Vecchio without paying a fee. This would be a good time to pick up a panino and take a quick break from walking. As you head towards Santa Croce on Via dei Neri, it is filled with shops for panini and more.
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Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence
Santa Croce is the burial place of many distinguished people such as Michelangelo, Galilei and Machiavelli. While you're in the Santa Croce area, if you're on the hunt for top quality leather, go to the Scuola del Cuoio or Leonardo's.
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Piazzale Michelangelo
The last stop before an authentic sit down dinner is at Florence’s most picturesque location with a panoramic view of the city. It’s an uphill walk, but you can also take buses, a taxi from the stand at Santa Croce or call a taxi at 055-4242 or 055-4390. It's really worth it to see the unforgettable colored sky at sunset. If you decide to walk to Piazzale Michelangelo across Ponte alle Grazie, stop for a photo op along the bridge using the Ponte Vecchio as a backdrop. However, If you've run out of time for Piazzale Michelangelo before dinner, you can also watch the sunset from one of the bridges across the Arno, but it's really not the same as Piazzale Michelangelo.
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10 year old Beagle originally from NY, now starting our 9th year living la dolce vita, posing around Florence and sharing tips.
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