High vibrational shopping and spaces in Porto.
Updated ago
Mercearia Flores
Organic, ecological, local. Stunning fresh little feasts of carefully selected ingredients. St Joseph in the kitchen, putting plates together beautifully, his attention to detail and the story behind each ingredient is exceptional. Every item on my plate was explained, from the sardines to the salad, to the Portuguese cornbread.
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Fernandes, Mattos & Ca., Lda.
A selection of artisan crafts, clothes and shoes, and stockists of 100% organic cotton trainers made in Spain that I had spotted in London recently. €35, so comfortable!
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Livraria Lello
The most beautiful bookshop in the world. An extravaganza of words and magic, you will not want to leave.
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MANNA ~ Food & Yoga
A haven of quietness, high vibrational food, inspirational books, yoga and meditation.
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Quintal Bioshop
Everything you need for an organic life! Including wonderful advice on local markets.
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Lab Sixtyone Organic Concept
100% organic ingredients. A tiny chic salon with beautiful stylists who live their lives according to organic principles.
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Artisanal bread.
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Musubu Porto
‘ Musubu’ meaning to ‘tie, to connect, to form a strong relationship’. A serene haven of beauty for when you find yourself weary of the streets, ethereal music, vintage finds, ceramics, paper, people cooking beautiful nourishing food. Miguel and Sako, a Portugese, Japanese couple specialise in plant based, gluten free food. Seasonal, organic ingredients, natural wines by the glass. Taste the Palihete wine, a mixture of red and white grapes, from algarve. 11.5% alcohol, a mixture of 15% white grapes, 85% red grapes. Not found outside Portugal.
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Mercado do Bolhão
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I had this dream, after staying with Mum in New Zealand in a little town called Tokoroa halfway on a motorway between Auckland and Wellington, where the trucks stop. After scouring a supermarket for organic ingredients, and finding it devoid of inspiration and beautiful produce, I found this guy called Alan in a carpark selling organically grown vegetables directly from his farm. They were less expensive than the supermarket and completely fresh and luscious with life. The few people I knew in Tokoroa had absolutely no idea about this man and it took me a while to realise he was there. I wondered if it would be possible to create a platform to find the most beautiful artisanal produce, or the freshest organically as a bare minimum, biodynamic vegetables wherever you were in the world. Alan gave me his number and said I could meet him on Tuesdays also if I was ever running out of vegetables. The seed of the dream though, actually started many years before with my love of markets. I had a job one winter in the South of France, Sanuary sur Mer. On the weekends I would head for Aix en Provence, get up early on Saturday morning and wander down to the market in time to watch everyone set up their stalls, sitting on the edge of this in wonder sipping my espresso. Later I worked in a fresh produce shop in London for a few years, sourcing from artisan growers, regenerative, people preserving ancient farming techniques and began to learn the seasons and truly about the most stunning ingredients. It is the whole energy of the market place that captures my attention. The farmers who bring their produce directly, you can actually sense the vitality, the life! It makes you feel completely alive! And connected to the earth and the seasons.
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