Portugal Travel Guides

Portugal Travel Guides

Lydia Zipporah
free and paid guides for your time in Portugal. ✨
Updated ago

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Lydia Zipporah
👋🏽 I'm Lydia and I sort of fell into full-time travel. After studying abroad in college the yearning to make the hop and skip back out of the states never left. Last year I left my apartment and the states with plans to be in London and found myself everywhere but. That said, I'm the girl people go to for information (often to my annoyance) BUT This seems like a fantastic way to share ALL of the data I've mined and experience I have gathered as I've been traveling. I'm a creature of habit who believes in short stays vs vacations. 1-3 months vs 1-3 week and so you'll find that a lot of my guides lean toward slow travel and remote workers. I hope that we all can find what we need here. Wether it exists or we work together to build it cause doing life alone can be daunting. If you have the most special and specific of needs feel free to email me at lydiazipporah@gmail.com or we can set up a Consultation Call. You can follow my shenanigans and travel tips and recs on IG : @lydiazipporah @outsidelyd OR TikTok @lydiazipporah Subscribe to my Thatch profile to stay updated on new itineraries, guide and helpful tips.
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