Thailand & Bali 60-minute consultation | $75

Thailand & Bali 60-minute consultation | $75

Overview and Quick Tips: A 60-minute call is suitable for providing a high-level overview of travel options, general recommendations, and quick tips. It's ideal for clients who have a basic idea of their travel goals and want some initial guidance.
Updated ago

How to get started:

01) Purchase this call for $50

02) In the “purchase message,” let me know any details about your trip that might be helpful for me to know. This helps me come to our call prepared!

Some things that may be worth mentioning:

Travel Goals and Preferences: What is your travel purpose, interests, and style?

Destinations of Interest: What are the specific places or regions you're considering?

Travel Dates and Duration: What is your intended travel timeframe?

Budget: What's your overall budget for the trip?

Accommodation Preferences: What's your preferred type of lodging?

03) Keep an eye on your inbox! I’ll send you an email within 48 hours of your purchase inviting you to book a spot.

Not ready for a call? Check out our Free Guide for Thailand and Bali :

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Welcome to the realm of adrenaline and unforgettable journeys! We are a dynamic duo, a couple of passionate adventurers, illustrator, and videographers, dedicated to capturing and sharing the captivating tales of our global escapades. 🌏✈️🌌 From soaring mountaintops 🌋 to plunging into the mesmerizing depths of the ocean🌊 , from mastering the art of Muay Thai 🥊 to indulging in culinary delights from around the globe🍜, we are here to weave a visual tapestry that brings our thrilling experiences to life. Join us as we traverse uncharted territories, unveil hidden gems, and immortalize the raw beauty of our planet. 📍 Currently in Koh Tao, Thailand
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