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Reasons to visit
South Luangwa National Park
Discover the Wonders of South Luangwa National Park
South Luangwa National Park, nestled in eastern Zambia, is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers. The park is famed for its remarkable concentration of game, scenic landscapes, and pioneering walking safaris. Whether you seek thrilling wildlife encounters or serene moments in nature, South Luangwa offers it all.
Mfuwe Area
The primary gateway to South Luangwa, Mfuwe, is visited by travelers looking for accessible game-viewing experiences. This area is bustling with activity and is home to numerous lodges and camps, offering safaris that cater to both luxury and budget travelers. The concentration of wildlife here is staggering, with chances to spot elephants, hippos, and giraffes frequenting the Luangwa River and its lagoons. Notably, the Mfuwe area is famous for its phenomenal sightings of leopards and prides of lions.
Nsefu Sector
For a more exclusive experience, the Nsefu Sector is ideal. This remote area on the eastern side of the river boasts historical camps and offers a sense of wilderness far from the more trafficked regions. Here, the prolific wildlife sightings continue, with notable populations of Thornicroft's giraffe, an endemic species of
South Luangwa National Park
Incredible wildlife viewing, lush landscapes, and spectacular walking safaris, ideal for nature and adventure seekers.
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