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Jiun-Wei Lai
Lives in London, 英國
Hi, I am Jiun-Wei from Tainan, Taiwan. I have been living in the UK for around a year. Over the past year, I have traveled to 19 countries on the European continent with a backpack. Overall, I have visited nearly 35 countries around the world since I was a child. Old towns, atmosphere, local food in the alleyways, architecture, etc., always bring me inexplicable peace. While traveling, I also carry on my job to find a balance between my life and career. Especially working in a variety of places can give me more inspiration and sparks. Not only did I earn a bachelor's degree in Tourism and Culture in Taiwan, but I have just graduated with a Master's degree in Tourism Management from Bournemouth University. Meanwhile, I obtained the status of tour guide and tour leader. During the period of schooling, it fostered my deep interest in culture and history. Moreover, exploring and tasting delicious food worldwide is one of my interests. Hence, the itineraries and the advice I arrange and make for customers are planned around slow-based and historically significant sights and cuisine to provide an enjoyable but alternative travel experience in such a fast-paced society. I have a deeper understanding that each country has unique characteristics and culture after traveling to a number of countries. For instance, the most stunning scenery I have seen is in Iceland; the most mysterious country is Armenia; the place with unexpected scenery is Malta; the most impressive is Jordan, while the most friendly country is Taiwan. Hence, all of memories I gained makes me want to digitize the travel experience and share them more specifically. I hope to help people all over the world feels effortless to plan each of adventure by compiling travel experience into well-organized guidebooks and itineraries that contains my personal travel tips and advice!
Foodie • Backpacker • Photography • Sustainable/Eco • Budget • Slow Travel • Wellness • Romantic • Art • Architecture • History • People & Culture • Backpackers • Nature

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Reasons to visit
Santiago de Compostela
Explore Santiago de Compostela: Top Destinations
Historical Old Town
Santiago de Compostela, a city in northwestern Spain, boasts a rich cultural heritage centered around its well-preserved Old Town. Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, this area is famous for its stunning medieval architecture, narrow cobblestone streets, and historic squares. Visitors can marvel at the grandeur of the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, an iconic symbol of the city and the final destination of the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route. The Old Town is also home to charming cafes, artisan shops, and traditional Galician restaurants, providing a true taste of local life.
Alameda Park
Nature lovers will find solace in the peaceful oasis of Alameda Park, located just a short stroll from the Old Town. This lush urban park offers a serene retreat from the bustling city streets, with picturesque gardens, tree-lined pathways, and panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes. Visitors can relax under the shade of age-old trees, admire the ornate sculptures scattered throughout the park, and soak in the serene atmosphere that Alameda Park offers.
Mercado de Abastos
For a sensory experience like no other, exploring the Mercado de Abastos is a must-do in Santiago de Compostela. This vibrant food market has been a culinary hub for locals and visitors alike for over a century. Here, you can wander through stalls brimming with fresh produce, seafood, meats, cheeses, and regional delicacies. Immerse yourself in the vibrant colors, enticing aromas, and lively chatter of the market, and savor the opportunity to taste authentic Galician flavors.
Monte do Gozo
Monte do Gozo, or "Mount of Joy," holds significant spiritual importance as the final stop for pilgrims walking the Camino de Santiago. This hill offers breathtaking panoramic views of Santiago de Compostela, serving as a beacon of hope and excitement for weary travelers who have completed their pilgrimage. Visitors can appreciate the serene surroundings, take in the stunning vistas of the city and its surroundings, and reflect on the profound sense of accomplishment that accompanies reaching this symbolic landmark.
Galician Cuisine
No visit to Santiago de Compostela is complete without indulging in the delectable offerings of Galician cuisine. Renowned for its fresh seafood, hearty stews, crispy empanadas, and flavorful octopus dishes, the local gastronomy is a true delight for foodies. From cozy taverns to upscale restaurants, the city abounds with dining options that showcase the authentic flavors of Galicia. Sample traditional dishes, sip on local wines, and embrace the culinary magic of this gastronomic paradise.
Santiago de Compostela beckons travelers with its captivating blend of history, culture, nature, and gastronomy. Whether you seek spiritual enlightenment, cultural immersion, or simply a charming getaway, this enchanting city offers an array of experiences that promise to leave a lasting impression. Embark on a journey through Santiago de Compostela's top destinations and discover the magic that awaits in this Spanish gem.
Santiago de Compostela
A pilgrimage destination with historic charm and stunning cathedral views.
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