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Reasons to visit
Discovering Fredrikstad: Norway's Historic Jewel
Old Town (Gamlebyen)
Fredrikstad's Old Town, known as Gamlebyen, is a living history book. Enclosed by stunning, well-preserved fortifications, Gamlebyen is Europe's best-preserved fortified town and Norway's oldest of its kind. Visitors can wander through cobblestone streets flanked by centuries-old buildings, boutique shops, and charming cafés. The town's lively market square is particularly inviting, offering local crafts and fresh produce. An immersive experience awaits history buffs at the Fredrikstad Museum, nestled within the old town's ramparts.
The River Glomma
For those seeking a serene yet scenic water adventure, the River Glomma meandering through Fredrikstad cannot be missed. It’s Norway’s longest and most voluminous river, offering picturesque views and a peaceful ambiance. Embark on a river cruise or rent a kayak to explore the lush landscapes and quaint villages lining its banks. The Halden Canal, connecting the river to the idyllic Lake Femsjøen, is a must-see for its historical water locks and natural beauty.
Hvaler Archipelago
Nature lovers will be delighted by the Hvaler Archipelago, an enchanting
Charming cobblestone streets, historic ramparts, and scenic river views, ideal for history buffs and culture seekers.
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