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Reasons to visit
Nan Madol
Exploring the Wonders of Nan Madol: A Journey to the Ancient City
Travelers seeking an extraordinary adventure off the beaten path will find Nan Madol to be a captivating destination. This ancient city, often dubbed the "Venice of the Pacific," is located on the eastern shore of the island of Pohnpei in Micronesia. It stands as a testament to human ingenuity and mysterious history, with a series of over 90 man-made islets built on a coral reef.
The Mystical Ruins of Nan Madol
The primary allure of Nan Madol lies in its extensive ruins, which cover an area of approximately 200 acres. These ruins are constructed with massive basalt stones, some weighing up to 50 tons. The precise methods used to transport and assemble these stones remain one of archaeology's greatest mysteries. Wandering through the channels and overgrown structures of this once-thriving administrative and ceremonial hub gives visitors a sense of stepping back into an enigmatic past.
The Imposing Nandowas Islet
Among the various islets, Nandowas is the crown jewel. As the royal mortuary and the site of tombs of the Saudeleur dynasty's former kings, it stands as a significant
Nan Madol
Ancient ruins, mysterious floating stone cities, a must-see for history buffs and adventure seekers.
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