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Reasons to visit
Discovering Hollókő: A Timeless Journey
Nestled in northern Hungary, the village of Hollókő offers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Hollókő is a living museum that embodies traditional Hungarian life. Perfect for a day trip or a relaxed weekend getaway, Hollókő promises a rich and enjoyable experience for all travelers.
Hollókő Old Village
The heart of Hollókő is its Old Village, an enchanting collection of 67 protected houses that showcase traditional Palóc architecture. Strolling along its cobblestone streets feels like stepping back in time. The houses, preserved meticulously, offer a glimpse into rural Hungarian life from centuries past. Many of these buildings now serve as museums, craft shops, and restaurants, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in local culture.
Hollókő Castle
Perched on a hill overlooking the village, Hollókő Castle is a must-see. Dating back to the 13th century, this medieval fortress offers panoramic views of the surrounding Cserhát hills and the village below. The castle often hosts historical reenactments and medieval-themed events, bringing history to life for visitors of all ages.
Charming rural village, UNESCO heritage site, traditional Hungarian architecture, and rich folklore.
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