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Reasons to visit
Discovering Mtskheta: Georgia's Timeless Treasure
Nestled at the confluence of the Aragvi and Mtkvari rivers, Mtskheta, Georgia, is a haven of history, culture, and natural beauty. As one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Mtskheta offers travelers an unforgettable journey through its ancient streets, revered religious sites, and stunning landscapes. Here’s where to go and why these spots are the top must-sees in Mtskheta.
Jvari Monastery
Perched on a hill overlooking the town, Jvari Monastery is a masterpiece of early medieval Georgian architecture. Constructed in the 6th century, this UNESCO-listed site offers breathtaking panoramic views of Mtskheta and the convergence of its rivers. Jvari’s significance extends beyond its aesthetic appeal; it is a place of spiritual importance, where Saint Nino erected the first cross in Georgia, heralding the arrival of Christianity.
Svetitskhoveli Cathedral
The heart of Mtskheta beats strongest at Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, the “Life-Giving Pillar.” Built in the 11th century, this architectural wonder is surrounded by myth and legend. It’s
Ancient churches, scenic river confluence, and rich cultural history, ideal for history buffs and spiritual seekers.
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