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Reasons to visit
Kampong Thom
Explore the Wonders of Kampong Thom: A Travel Guide
Kampong Thom, a province bursting with history and natural beauty, is an undiscovered gem in Cambodia, waiting to be explored. From ancient temples hidden in the dense foliage to pristine lakes that sparkle under the sun, Kampong Thom promises an unforgettable adventure. Wander through its fascinating landscapes and historical treasures to make memories that will last a lifetime.
Sambor Prei Kuk
A visit to Sambor Prei Kuk is a must for history enthusiasts. This UNESCO World Heritage site was once the thriving capital of the Chenla Kingdom. With over a hundred well-preserved temples dating back to the 6th and 9th centuries, the site offers a majestic glimpse into Cambodia’s ancient past. Wander among the ruins, draped in jungle vines, and imagine the former grandeur of this pre-Angkorian marvel.
Prasat Kuhak Nokor
Travelers looking for off-the-beaten-path destinations should not miss Prasat Kuhak Nokor. This 11th-century temple built under King Suryavarman I’s reign is less frequented by tourists, offering a serene and almost mystical experience. The temple’s intricate carvings and the tranquil surroundings create
Kampong Thom
Ancient temples, serene river views, and rich Khmer heritage, ideal for history buffs and cultural explorers.
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