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Reasons to visit
Bad Gastein
Discovering the Treasures of Bad Gastein
Nestled in the heart of the Austrian Alps, Bad Gastein offers an idyllic escape for nature enthusiasts, adventure seekers, and those yearning for rejuvenation. Renowned for its stunning landscapes, therapeutic hot springs, and diverse recreational opportunities, this picturesque destination has something for everyone. Let’s dive into the top areas to explore in Bad Gastein and uncover their unique appeals.
The Thermal Springs
Bad Gastein’s thermal springs have been attracting visitors since the 19th century, and for good reason. These naturally heated, mineral-rich waters are celebrated for their healing properties. A visit to the Felsentherme Spa is a must, where you can soak in a thermal rock pool surrounded by panoramic alpine views, easing away any tension and stress.
The Gastein Waterfall
A central feature of the town, the Gastein Waterfall tumbles dramatically through the heart of Bad Gastein, providing both a visual and auditory feast. The surrounding area is perfect for leisurely strolls or relaxing at one of the nearby cafes while listening to the roaring waters. Don't miss the chance to capture stunning photographs from the pedestrian bridge that spans the falls.
Bad Gastein
Breathtaking alpine scenery, thermal spas, and exhilarating outdoor activities, ideal for adventure and relaxation seekers.
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