Hire Meredith Johnson
to plan your trip
With my custom itinerary, you can expect a uniquely personal experience for your dream trip. I will provide a complete itinerary with places to stay, travel plans, and activities. All of this will be based off of what you need and desire from your trip. I will also be able to help with creating plan travel within your set destination country or visiting multiple. I believe in doing the must do things in the places you must do them. Whether that’s going to the Trevi Fountain in Rome, trying Guinness in Dublin, seeing the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, or a coffee tour in Colombia. For most, a vacation is once in a lifetime, so I plan to help you get the most memorable experience. Everything about the itinerary will be precisely curated to you and your travel companions. I have unique experience with solo travel, so I can provide trips with just yourself. I have also been the sole planner in girl’s trips where everyone had different “must dos” for themselves. Whatever it is, we will work together to make your dream come true. Let me be your guide while you experience places, people, and food that will change your life forever.
5.0 (1 Ratings & Reviews)
"Meredith was amazing! She was so incredibly helpful. Was attentive to our time, budget and wishes. I was so lost planning our trip and Meredith made it seamless and fun. Will absolutely use her in the..."
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Get to know
Meredith Johnson
Hello! My name is Meredith, but my friends call me Mere. I am a nurse based out of Charlotte, NC and I am extremely lucky to have an international airport only 15 minutes away. About 4 years ago I got the travel itch. This is around the same time that my friends started getting married, having kids, buying homes, and just all around acting like adults. In a time where everyone was intent on settling down I was intent on having a trip booked every 3 months. I have planned solo trips and planned trips for myself and friends. I believe there is a difference in a trip and a vacation, so it’s most important to me for the client to know which they would prefer. When I travel internationally I try to make the most of my time, so most of my guides will be more “trip” based. This includes traveling to different parts of a country and making the most of the time to see and experience new things. I am open to more leisurely vacations guides and would have no problem helping you make a guide that fits your wants. There’s nothing more satisfying than finally getting the trip plan written down, well maybe except getting off the plane at your final destination. I believe in doing the must do things in the places you must do them. If you are going to someplace new, you never k now when you will be back there again, so you might as well do everything possible to elevate your experience.
FOCUSES & SpecialtIes
Female Solo
People & Culture
Charlotte, NC, USA
Costa Rica
1 days
2 days
3 days
Hotel / Airbnb Recs
Digital Map + App
Itinerary Outline
Outline Revision
Detailed Itinerary
Detailed Revision
Booking Service
Starting deposit
Can I book more than one travel creator at the same time?
Yes! In fact, many of our customers book multiple travel creators for help with various aspects of their trip. For example, you can have a consultation call with one creator, but then book another to plan and organize your itinerary.
Is there guarantee in case I am dissatisfied in the service?
Is there a map view of the information I’m given?
Does the Thatch App work offline?
What if I want a revision after I get my service?
How do I get my curated recommendations or itinerary?
Why do I have to create an account to buy these services?
How quick is the turnaround time for my selected service?
How do payments work for Custom Itineraries?
Do Thatch Guides work offline?
($5 per day planned)
1 day delivery
Get a high-level, custom itinerary outline with a basic daily plan.
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High-level itinerary outline
Curated list of bookable hotels or Airbnbs
1 round of revisions for itinerary outline
Custom digital map + app
Detailed custom itinerary
1 round of revisions for detailed itinerary
Hotel and restaurant booking service
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