Hire Michelle Sandmann
to plan your trip
Lives in Portland, ME, USA
Whether you prefer structured schedules or the freedom to explore spontaneously, trip itineraries are my bread and butter! Specializing in outdoor and nature travel, my forte has always been in uncovering hidden gems and creating unforgettable experiences. Picture yourself hiking through breathtaking landscapes, kayaking along secluded shores, or horseback riding through picturesque valleys, all expertly planned to ensure moments of wonder and serenity. My meticulous attention to detail extends from selecting accommodations that embody local charm to recommending authentic dining experiences. Whether you're a solo traveler seeking solitude or a family looking to bond over outdoor adventures, I am dedicated to exceeding your expectations with a tailor-made itinerary. Let me bring your travel dreams to life and start helping to plan your personalized adventure.
How it
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Get an itinerary
Your expert will deliver a custom itinerary designed for your trip.
Get to know
Michelle Sandmann
I am an avid travel enthusiast with extensive experience planning trips for myself and husband, friends, family, and colleagues. Once inspiration for a trip strikes, I become fully immersed in the planning process, and now, I am excited to help others create their dream adventures! My journey into travel planning began with a life-changing trip to Iceland, where my now-husband proposed. Since then, I have been the go-to travel planner for my circle, constantly urged by friends and family to pursue this professionally. Today, I am thrilled to share my passion for travel planning and itinerary building with you. I specialize in crafting travel experiences that seek out epic landscapes and nature. Whether it's adventurous hikes, cycling, mountain biking, camping, RVing, horseback riding, snorkeling, or scuba diving, I have a knack for finding the best spots and activities to make any trip unforgettable. I particularly enjoy slow travel and own a Class C RV, which I have driven across the United States along with my two dogs. I am well-versed in using tools like RV Life Pro to plan detailed road trip itineraries, ensuring every journey is smooth and enjoyable. Based in the Portland, Maine area, I am a strong advocate for loving where you live. Maine holds a special place in my heart, and I would love to show you all the incredible experiences this beautiful state has to offer.
English (fluent)
FOCUSES & SpecialtIes
Van Life
Slow Travel
Portland, ME, USA
Azores, Portugal
Maine, USA
Algarve, Portugal
Lisbon, Portugal
Costa Rica
Arizona, USA
New Hampshire, USA
Charleston, SC, USA
Big Sur, CA, USA
Salt Lake City, UT, USA
San Francisco, CA, USA
Napa, CA, USA
Utah, USA
Oregon, USA
California, USA
7 days
10 days
14 days
Hotel / Airbnb Recs
Digital Map + App
Itinerary Outline
Outline Revision
Detailed Itinerary
Detailed Revision
Booking Service
Starting deposit
Can I book more than one travel creator at the same time?
Yes! In fact, many of our customers book multiple travel creators for help with various aspects of their trip. For example, you can have a consultation call with one creator, but then book another to plan and organize your itinerary.
Is there guarantee in case I am dissatisfied in the service?
Is there a map view of the information I’m given?
Does the Thatch App work offline?
What if I want a revision after I get my service?
How do I get my curated recommendations or itinerary?
Why do I have to create an account to buy these services?
How quick is the turnaround time for my selected service?
How do payments work for Custom Itineraries?
Do Thatch Guides work offline?
($20 per day planned)
7 days delivery
Get a high-level, custom itinerary outline with a basic daily plan.
Number of days to plan
High-level itinerary outline
Curated list of bookable hotels or Airbnbs
1 round of revisions for itinerary outline
Custom digital map + app
Detailed custom itinerary
1 round of revisions for detailed itinerary
Hotel and restaurant booking service
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