Hire Destiny Stratton
to plan your trip
Let me find the best places to stay, eat, and visit on your next trip! Forget about the hours of research and planning and have a curated itinerary just for you! I am a lover of the outdoors, animals, and great views. I either vacation by having every day planned out or go the relaxing route and try to go with the flow. I do like to save money on trips when possible, but I also like to splurge on experiences.
How it
Pick a package
Experts offer a few levels of service. Pick the one that fits your needs best.
Place your order
Share your preferences so your expert can plan the perfect itinerary.
Get an itinerary
Your expert will deliver a custom itinerary designed for your trip.
Get to know
Destiny Stratton
Full time business owner who spends her few weeks off each year traveling to new places. I love trip planning and I am always planning my next trip! I like to save money where I can while traveling, but with experiences I won’t limit myself as much. Next trip: Road tripping the South Island of New Zealand and the East Coast of Australia in a camper van
FOCUSES & SpecialtIes
West Virginia, USA
Florida, USA
New Zealand
Alaska, USA
Huntington, WV, USA
Yellowstone National Park, WY, USA
Glacier, MT, USA
Fayetteville, WV, USA
Banff, AB, Canada
Asheville, NC, USA
Virginia Beach, VA, USA
10 days
Hotel / Airbnb Recs
Digital Map + App
Itinerary Outline
Outline Revision
Detailed Itinerary
Detailed Revision
Booking Service
Starting deposit
Can I book more than one travel creator at the same time?
Yes! In fact, many of our customers book multiple travel creators for help with various aspects of their trip. For example, you can have a consultation call with one creator, but then book another to plan and organize your itinerary.
Is there guarantee in case I am dissatisfied in the service?
Is there a map view of the information I’m given?
Does the Thatch App work offline?
What if I want a revision after I get my service?
How do I get my curated recommendations or itinerary?
Why do I have to create an account to buy these services?
How quick is the turnaround time for my selected service?
How do payments work for Custom Itineraries?
Do Thatch Guides work offline?
($10 per day planned)
10 days delivery
Get a high-level, custom itinerary outline with a basic daily plan.
Number of days to plan
High-level itinerary outline
Curated list of bookable hotels or Airbnbs
1 round of revisions for itinerary outline
Custom digital map + app
Detailed custom itinerary
1 round of revisions for detailed itinerary
Hotel and restaurant booking service
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