Results for Ireland

Julia 🌏 Female Solo Traveler
Lives in Stuttgart, Deutschland
🗣️ EN: Hey fellow travel lovers 😊 I'm Julia, a passionate solo traveler from Germany. I was born and raised near Stuttgart and also lived in New Zealand for one year, so I'm fluent in both German and English. I've been planning and going on solo travels for almost a decade now, and I'm passionate about helping YOU experience your best and memorable solo adventure, too. Especially for women traveling solo, things might appear a bit overwhelming from time to time and I totally get that - but no worries, I'll have your back! I do have all the tips and tricks for you when it comes to safety, budget, destinations and things to do or not to do. I hope to inspire you to get out and explore this beautiful world 🌏 I offer 1:1 calls, customer itineraries and customer recommendations not only for solo travelers but for everyone who's excited to make memories for a lifetime ✨ ➡️ E-Mail: 🗣️ DE: Hey liebe (Solo-) Reisefreunde 😊 Ich bin Julia, leidenschaftliche Alleinreisende und ich lebe im Südwesten Deutschlands. Zwischenzeitlich habe ich 1 Jahr mit einem Work and Travel Visum in Neuseeland gelebt, spreche daher nicht nur fließend Deutsch, sondern auch Englisch. Seit über 10 Jahren schlägt mein Herz schon fürs Abenteuer Soloreise. Daher freue ich mich von Herzen darauf, dich bei deinem Solotrip zu unterstützen und dir zu einer absolut unvergesslichen Reise zu verhelfen. Gerade für Frauen kann es sehr überfordernd sein, alleine zu verreisen. Und genau dafür bin ich da: Ich habe jede Menge Tipps und Tricks für dich hinsichtlich Sicherheit, Kosten, Traumziele und Aktvitäten, sodass du dich bestens gewappnet fühlst für dein ganz persönliches Soloreise-Abenteuer. Ich hoffe, ich kann auch dich dazu inspirieren, loszuziehen und unsere wunderschöne Welt zu entdecken 🌎 Ich biete 1:1 Call, Reiseplanung- und beratung an - und zwar nicht nur für Alleinreisende, sondern für alle Weltenbummler da draußen ✨ ➡️ E-Mail:
Adventure • Outdoors • Female Solo • Foodie • People & Culture • Slow Travel • Relaxation • Road Trip • Backpacker
Larissa Schultz, MCC, MHA
Lives in San Diego, CA, USA
Have passport - will travel. I am a certified licensed and insured Exploration Specialist and running a women-owned travel agency, working with many vetted premier travel industry vendor partners. A little about me: - Acquired over 27 years experience in the hospitality and tourism industry, - Traveled to 7 continents, 64 countries and crossed both polar circles, - Have an odd propensity in finding Irish Pubs in foreign cities throughout the world, - Successfully combined these experiences and habits into helping individuals discover exciting adventures throughout the globe. My passion is travel. I live it, I work it, I love it. My page offers straightforward, no unnecessary fluff*, day-by-day travel itineraries that you can easily save and follow or customize to your liking. Uniting my project management skills and attention to detail with my passion for travel and cultural immersion, I design and curate journey's which create memories that last a lifetime. *What does "No unnecessary fluff" mean? Well, you know those extraneous online recipes you try to sort through just to get to the recipe? But, you have to work through personal background details, stories about puppies and varuious types of flour; and then you get all those pop-up ads....well, my itineraries don't have all that "extra". They are just extra in their simplicity. Day-by-day itinerary with recommendations, insight, and a step-by-step guide. Simple. "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." -Leonardo da Vinci
Foodie • Slow Travel • Luxury • Wellness • People & Culture • Boutique
Ani Danelz | National Park Guide
Lives in Houghton, MI, USA
Welcome to my (and hopefully our) adventures! I have lived all over the United States, and I have a passion for the outdoors and budget-travel. My style of travel is easy-going, yet filled with adventure and excitement. I focus on connecting with people and community, as well as immersing myself in the outdoors as much as possible. Finding a balance between these two have led to some amazing memories, and I cannot wait to share them with you. Most recently, I lived in my car for over seven months, while I visited every National Park in the lower 48. I hiked, camped, met amazing people, and hiked some more. I got to experience the parks like a local, because I had no timetable, no flights to catch, no rental car to return, etc. Some parks I stayed only for a few hours, and others for over a week. I chatted with park rangers, stayed with people that lived nearby, and camped with others at some amazing campsites. The travel guides I share give you an "insider" look at the national park, with tips for the best hikes, tricks for finding campsites (but I always include hotel options too), as well as information about the various aspects of the parks. I hope that you will use these guides as tools to fuel your next national park adventure!
Adventure • Backpacker • Female Solo • Sustainable/Eco • Budget • Backpackers • Nature • Digital Nomads • Couples • Groups • Van Life • Road Trip • Camping • Slow Travel • Outdoors • Overlanding • RV
Desirae Simms
Lives in Waimea, HI, USA
Aloha! My name is Desirae Simms and I'm a Holistic Traveler and Health Practitioner living on the beautiful island of Hawaii. 🌺 I’m Passionate about holistic travel experiences tailored just for you. Nourishing mind, body, and soul through cultural immersion, diversity and nature. Finding relaxation, tranquility, and rejuvenation in every journey. 🌿🧘‍♂️✈️ We are all so uniquely different and are constantly going through different experiences in this craze of a world we live in so finding connection can be crucial. This can be connecting with the land, people, food or other amazing experiences. Keeping it straight up for those who love the details of an authentic experience. Real and honest suggestions & advice so that you know exactly what you are getting into when traveling. Join me as we embark on a holistic journey of exploration and adventure, embracing diverse experiences and seeking connections with the world. Let's uncover the perfect travel match that aligns with you and your unique essence! A little about me: Born PNW⛰️ Have lived on 3 different Hawaiian islands🏝️🌋🌊 Passionate about domestic and foreign travel, all places please! I have years of travel agent and vacation planning experience✈️ Travel and holistic health are a passion of mine💗 Love a good road trip! Day trips yes please!🚐 Give me all the food! Foodie travel is a must!🍕🍲🍧🍇🍷🍻 I care about safety! I always look into the safety of the areas and activities I indulge in
Adventure • Foodie • Family • Wellness • History • Architecture • People & Culture • Nature
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