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Grand Central Terminal

About Grand Central Terminal

Get the inside scoop on Grand Central Terminal from local experts, travel creators, and tastemakers. Browse genuine trip notes, Grand Central Terminal reviews, photos, travel guides, and itineraries from real travelers and plan your trip with confidence.

What people say

"🇪🇸 Visita la estación de tren Grand Central, uno de los edificios más emblemáticos de Nueva York, donde podrás ver la impresionante arquitectura y la famosa sala de espera. 🇺🇸 Visit Grand Central Terminal, one of the most iconic buildings in New York, where you can admire the impressive architecture and the famous waiting room. "
"The main train station terminal in Manhattan. But also a building with beautiful architecture and art. Don’t forget to look up at the ceiling in the main hall and see the constellations. "
"Has food options if you want something to eat before dinner"
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