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Spanish Riding School

About Spanish Riding School

Get the inside scoop on Spanish Riding School from local experts, travel creators, and tastemakers. Browse genuine trip notes, Spanish Riding School reviews, photos, travel guides, and itineraries from real travelers and plan your trip with confidence.

What people say

"A very special experience in Vienna is a visit to the Spanish Riding School, which is famous for its Lipizzaner horses. In the Riding Hall next to the Sisi Museum in the Hofburg Palace where demonstrations are held every day at morning practice. You can book tickets for the morning training, Lipizzaner show or guided tours of the Spanish Riding School. Take a guided tour of the Spanish Riding School and the Lipizzaner stallions to learn more about its history and admire its impressive architecture. 💸Entrance fee: €17 ⏰Morning practice: 10am to 11am"
"Step back in time at the Spanish Riding School and witness the elegance of the Lipizzaner stallions. These magnificent white horses perform intricate dressage routines, a tradition that dates back centuries."
"This is a very nice experience if you're visiting Vienna. The horses are gorgeous and it is very interesting to see how they are training them. I added the tickets down below! :)"

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