Best Coffee Shops in Kansas City
Here is a list of the best local coffee shops in Kansas City! I live in KC and love finding the best coffee shops to explore! I would so appreciate you saving this for when you are in KC next! Tipping is much appreciated for the work that went into this guide! Thanks! Enjoy! ☕️
13 Places • 1 Save • ago
Messenger Coffee Co. + Ibis Bakery
A coffee shop with a bakery, great coffee menu that you’ll dream about, great food, pastries, and in a gorgeous building with lots of space and even a rooftop!
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A Hawaiian themed coffee shop that is so much fun!
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Oddly Correct Coffee Bar
Trendy, airy, fresh, with just the best coffee!
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Thou Mayest - River Quay
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Filling Station Coffee - Midtown
An old 50’s gas station turned into adorable coffee shop with great coffee, food, pastries, and baked goods.
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Goat Hill Coffee & Soda
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Café Equinox
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Broadway Café
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Cafe Corazon
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Crows Coffee | South Plaza
Cozy and welcoming!
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The Roasterie Brookside Café
A KC favorite, you can even take a coffee tour that is so fun for coffee nerds or just grab a great cup of coffee!
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Made in KC Cafe
Made in KC Cafe is attached to the Made in KC shop, it has terrific coffee and snacks!
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PT's at the Crossroads
Great coffee, good, great area to work.
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* * *
Hello! I am Ashlea, I am a traveler who loves exploring new places and planning every last detail to create the perfect trip! I am both a travel blogger for my blog Seek Out Travel and a travel planner. 🧳💺💕 I am an elementary teacher who is taking off a year to travel the world with my husband, Derek. I live in Kansas City, Mo with my crazy cat and husband when I'm not out exploring new destinations. I love going to markets, hiking, and having unique experiences when I travel that are off the beaten path. I love going on budget trips that are done so ethically and able to experience the culture and nature of each destination. Authentic, Ethical and Budget Travel are the trips I create for you! Check out my guides and contact me at or at for customized itineraries and travel planning services. Check out my travel planning boards for all the details! ✈️
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Best Coffee Shops in Kansas City
Here is a list of the best local coffee shops in Kansas City! I live in KC and love finding the best coffee shops to explore! I would so appreciate you saving this for when you are in KC next! Tipping is much appreciated for the work that went into this guide! Thanks! Enjoy! ☕️
13 Places • 1 Save • ago
Messenger Coffee Co. + Ibis Bakery
A coffee shop with a bakery, great coffee menu that you’ll dream about, great food, pastries, and in a gorgeous building with lots of space and even a rooftop!
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A Hawaiian themed coffee shop that is so much fun!
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Oddly Correct Coffee Bar
Trendy, airy, fresh, with just the best coffee!
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Thou Mayest - River Quay
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Filling Station Coffee - Midtown
An old 50’s gas station turned into adorable coffee shop with great coffee, food, pastries, and baked goods.
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Goat Hill Coffee & Soda
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Café Equinox
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Broadway Café
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Cafe Corazon
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Crows Coffee | South Plaza
Cozy and welcoming!
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The Roasterie Brookside Café
A KC favorite, you can even take a coffee tour that is so fun for coffee nerds or just grab a great cup of coffee!
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Made in KC Cafe
Made in KC Cafe is attached to the Made in KC shop, it has terrific coffee and snacks!
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PT's at the Crossroads
Great coffee, good, great area to work.
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* * *
Hello! I am Ashlea, I am a traveler who loves exploring new places and planning every last detail to create the perfect trip! I am both a travel blogger for my blog Seek Out Travel and a travel planner. 🧳💺💕 I am an elementary teacher who is taking off a year to travel the world with my husband, Derek. I live in Kansas City, Mo with my crazy cat and husband when I'm not out exploring new destinations. I love going to markets, hiking, and having unique experiences when I travel that are off the beaten path. I love going on budget trips that are done so ethically and able to experience the culture and nature of each destination. Authentic, Ethical and Budget Travel are the trips I create for you! Check out my guides and contact me at or at for customized itineraries and travel planning services. Check out my travel planning boards for all the details! ✈️
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