Fall hike in Middle Tn

Fall hike in Middle Tn

Short fall scenic hike to 3 beautiful falls
Updated ago
Fall Hollow Falls
Fall Hollow is one of three waterfalls along the Natchez Trace Parkway. Almost immediately after leaving your vehicle you can hear the water descending over the twenty foot drop making Fall Hollow waterfall. If you continue down this short trail you will come to a viewing platform that views the 20-foot tall waterfall. The trail and platforms get slippery due to the water and moisture of the area. Please watch your step. Beyond the overlook is an unimproved trail that leads to the other waterfalls. Not too far from the start of the trail is a stone staircase that takes you straight to the bottom of the third waterfall. You can descend here, but you will miss the second waterfall farther down the trail, so continue straight until you come to a steep and extremely strenuous downhill path. You need to be either nibble or young to make it down in one piece, or old and have some hiking poles. At times I thought it might just be easier to slide down. The stone stairs are equally steep and strenuous, so don’t think you made the wrong decision about how to get to the bottom of the valley. It all takes about 30 mins
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Hello, I'm just a small town girl living my best life. I've been blessed with three beautiful kids and a loving husband. Our family loves to go on new travel adventures and spend quality time together. It is my passion to spread that same fun and joy by sharing all of the happy adventures we have been on. We are always finding something new!! It's never boring. I'm always getting asked, "Where did you find all of those places? Could you help me?" Now, this is what I do part time. So, let me help you make some exciting lasting memories by creating your itinerary too. -Renee Maness Nashville, TN
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