Where to play "tejo"in Bogotá, Colombian national sport

Where to play "tejo"in Bogotá, Colombian national sport

If you are in Bogotá and you want to do a non-touristy Colombian thing, this is what I propose to you. In case you are not into sports, keep reading because it is not what you are picturing. In this sport, it is all about trowing a piece of metal called a tejo to make little gunpowder triangles explode while drinking and partying with friends or family. It might sound dangerous to mix gunpowder with drunk people, but its not!. I highly recommend living this experience, whether you are Colombian or not.
Updated ago
Tejo Turmequé
They have 2 locations. If you only want to play and maybe eat something, go to La Solar in Calle 72. But, if you want to live the whole experience, I highly recommend booking in Chapinero, Calle 53. Besides the tejo, it is one of my favorite places to party in Bogotá. After 8–9 p.m., The whole place transforms into a club with local music and great vibe. Please note: For playing tejo you have to book in advance, and dont wait until last minute because most of the time its fully booked by the end of the week,
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Tejo La Embajada | Cancha de tejo en Bogotá | Discoteca en las noches
Here is more a playing tejo vibe than party but somethimes they have good events on the weekends. Here they also have something called bolirana which is also a colombian game that I love.
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TEJO EL ROLO - antes: Tejo El Virrey
This is closely to the autentic tejo experience, perfect for the afteroffice time since they close early. Here you can only drink beer and aguardiente and they have live colombian music.This is closely related to the authentic Tejo experience and is perfect for after-office time since they close early. Here you can only drink beer and aguardiente and they have live Colombian music.
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