3 days in Paris made easy 🇫🇷
Useful tips:
Pickpockets: always make sure you have got all your belongings, and that your valuables are safe in a bag that can be fully closed and on you at all times. You will have reminders about this in the metro.
Friendship bracelet: very common scam around Montmartre. People might come to you and put a bracelet around your wrists and will ask you for money when tied up. If you refuse to pay, their friends will surround you until you pay. To avoid this, refuse directly for them to touch you and continue walking.
Clipboard petitioners: usually around the Eiffel Tower or the Louvre, and mostly done by women, this scam consists on asking you to sign a petition for a fake foundation to help children while they pickpocket you.
Pedicabs: at most touristic areas, they will claim they can get you to another place in Paris for a decent price, but they don't precise that the price is by person. Would recommend taking the bus or metro instead.
Public transport: If you are visiting Paris for a few days, you can find the best metro ticket deal for you on this website:
and use the Bonjour RATP app: