Brazil: Eat like a local

Brazil: Eat like a local

Explore Brazil's diverse cuisine with authentic recipes, restaurant reviews, cultural insights, and a vibrant foodie community. Bom apetite! 🥘 Hint: most Brazilian dishes contain meat products, but vegetarian options of traditional food are also sometimes available.
Updated ago

Appetizers and Snacks

☐ Pão de Queijo: Cheese bread made from tapioca flour and cheese (some versions are vegetarian).

☐ Coxinha with tomate e Queijo: Deep-fried dough filled with .

☐ Empada de Queijo: Pastry filled with cheese or vegetables.

☐ Acarajé with Vatapá: Deep-fried black-eyed pea dough filled with coconut and nut-based stew (without shrimp).

☐ Pastel de banana

Main Dish

☐ Moqueca de Banana: A vegetarian version of the fish stew made with coconut milk and bananas.

☐ Feijoada Vegetariana: A meat-free version of the black bean stew, often with tofu or other plant-based protein.

☐ Churrasco de Legumes: Grilled vegetable skewers or slices.

☐ Escondidinho de Palmito: Casserole made with mashed cassava and hearts of palm filling.

☐ Bobó de Cogumelos: Mushroom stew with cassava and coconut milk.   

Side Dish

☐ Farofa de Ovo: Toasted cassava flour mixture with eggs and herbs, used on top of other foods

☐ Couve à Mineira: Sauteed collard greens with garlic (without bacon).

☐ Banana da Terra: Fried or baked plantains. 🌱

☐ Arroz e Feijão: Rice and beans, a staple combination in Brazilian meals (without meat).

☐ Salada de Palmito: Hearts of palm salad with various vegetables.  🌱


☐ Brigadeiro de Leite Condensado: Chocolate truffle-like sweets made from condensed milk and cocoa powder (if using vegetarian condensed milk). 🌱

☐ Beijinho de Coco: Coconut-flavored sweet similar to brigadeiros. 🌱

☐ Quindim Vegano: Vegan version of the baked custard made with coconut and sugar.🌱

☐ Bolo de Rolo: Rolled sponge cake filled with guava paste.

☐ Canjica: Sweet dish made from boiled corn kernels, coconut milk, and sugar (using vegan ingredients). 🌱

☐ Açaí Bowl: A refreshing smoothie made from açaí berries topped with granola and fruits (choose vegan toppings). 🌱

☐ Cocada


☐ Caipirinha: National cocktail made with cachaça, lime, sugar, and ice (check for vegan cachaça).

☐ Guarana: Brazilian soda made from guarana fruit.

☐ Coconut Water

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