Easy Hikes Around Asheville

Easy Hikes Around Asheville

Shorter hikes within a 45 minute drive of downtown!
Updated ago
Craggy Pinnacle Hike
An excellent hike for sunrises, sunsets, or just a midday workout, incredible 360° views reward you after a quick one mile hike just off the Blue Ridge Parkway. Great for leashed dogs and kids! Bathrooms located just before the turn to the trailhead at the Craggy Gardens visitor center. (Sometimes real toilets, sometimes port a johns)
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Bearwallow Mountain Trail
This hike is great for families, dogs, group yoga, anything! You have two choices to get to the top of the mountain, a hike through the woods, or a gravel road. I like to take the trail up and the gravel road down for a quicker exit after watching the sunset (recommended). There are sometimes COWS. The summit of Bearwallow is a working farm, and summer through fall, you might be lucky enough to find yourself sharing the mountaintop with the cows that call it home. Great for leashed dogs and kids! *You’ll drive on a bumpy gravel road to reach this hike on two of the three routes available*
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Lookout Mountain Trail Head
Located within the town of Montreat, this is a short hike but a WORKOUT. Beautiful 360° views reward the work you put in to haul it to the summit of this peak. Kids and dogs do it, but make sure you are hydrated and bring water and snacks. There are rocks at the top for a sit and rest before heading back down or continuing on to other connecting trails. Pick up a trail map at the Montreat Store to make sure you stay on course!
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Catawba Falls
A relatively flat hike that leads to a gorgeous waterfall!
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📍Asheville, North Carolina An Asheville native and local, I grew up hiking around these mountains, seeing new breweries pop up (and trying them) and recommending places for others to go. I’m so excited to recommend spots that work for you!
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