Spontaneous Beach Getaway. Here's what I did in Bentota!

Spontaneous Beach Getaway. Here's what I did in Bentota!

I am someone who is absolutely in love with beaches. One Sunday morning, I decided to go on a spontaneuos beach trip with two of my friends. It was completely unplanned and we had a really nice time. This is a step by step guide of our simple beach getaway. It's super affordable. Takes up less than a day. Ideal for solo travellers, couples and small groups of friends. So, here's a little invitation for you to take a spontaneous trip to Bentota. The plan is all laid out for you, what have you got to loose?
Updated ago

We began our mini beach trip in the late afternoon due to some prior commitments. However, I encourage you to start out early as possible if you have the time.

Step 01: Drive to Bentota

Bentota is an 81.6 km drive from Colombo. It usually takes about one and half hours to reach there. You should exit the expressway from Welipenna to reach Bentota. We packed our bags, fueled our vehicle and set off.

Here's what we packed:

🎒 1 extra pair of clothes

🎒 Bottle of water

🎒 Cap

🎒 Powerbank

💡Tips: Pack a polythene bag for dirty clothes. Carry sunscreen. Wear rubber slippers and beach wear.

You could carry some snacks if you like. We didn't need any since we spent only a few hours.

💡Tip: Before exiting the expressway you can get some snacks and drinks from the expressway service area at Welipenna (Just before the exit).

Southern Expressway Service Area - Welipenna
Cargills food city - For a packet of chips and soft drinks, Other restaurants - For savoury and sweet snacks. Clean Washroom facilities are available at a small fee.
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Step 02: Order Pizza

There is no Pizza hut or Dominos in Bentota, so we went to Aluthgama for pizzas. It was not much of a detour since Dominos was located very close to the Aluthgama-Bentota border.

Here's what we ordered:

🍕 1 Medium size Texas BBQ Chicken pizza

🍕 1 Medium size Chicken Nai Miris pizza

Domino's Pizza
All time favourite pizza place.
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Pizza hut and Dominos are located nearby, so you have a choice.

💡 Tip: Call and place your order earlier, so you can pick it up quickly on arrival.

Step 03: Get Ice cream

We had to wait some time till our pizzas were ready so we headed over to a Keels supermarket to get ice cream. 

Keells - Aluthgama
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Step 04: Headover to the beach

After picking up our pizzas we entered Bentota. Bentota can easily be identified by the signature Bentota bridge. This also marks the provincial border between Western and Southern provinces. We drove along Bentota hunting for beaches. There a few nice spots there. I can't pinpoint the exact location of our beach spot but I can provide the following landmark. With a little exploring you will be able to find a beautiful spot. 

Sea Rock Villa
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Step 05: Enjoy Pizzas with a view 🍕🌊

Pizza at the beach is one of the best combinations ever. I can't believe I hadn't tried it before. 

Step 06: More beach time

The sun was starting to set, so the weather was mild. We spent more time on the beach. It was really therapeutic. 💆

It is important to note that there aren't places to change since it is an open area. We changed our clothes in the vehicle. One last look at the beach and we headed home. We had a great time. It was a really refreshing experience.

Suggestions to enhance your experience

Got more hours to spend? Head over here for lunch.

The Wave Beach Restaurant
Amazing food and drinks. Aesthetic vibes. Direct access to the beach. You can spend you day here leisurely.
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Can't get enough of Bentota in a day? Try out this place for accomodation.

Village Headman's Bungalow
Tasty local meals. Pool and a garden area is available. Antique bungalow style. Cozy. Affordable. Located close to the main road.
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Hi, I'm Himanshi! I am from Sri Lanka 🌴. For those who don't know, it is a beautiful little island surrounded by the Indian Ocean. I am someone who loves travelling and exploring new places. I have visited a wide range of destinations throughout Sri Lanka. I'm a beach girl 🌊. So you will be able to find a lot of my guides based on beach destinations. I would like to share my experiences and insights with you, so you too could have a wonderful travel experience in our beautiful little island.
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