Adventure Series: Finding Fuji

Adventure Series: Finding Fuji

Travelling across the countryside of Kanagawa and Shizuoka, one of the most jaw dropping sights that you simply won't miss is Mount Fuji. As Japan's highest mountain, it has long been revered as the nation's pride and a spiritual embodiment of "home" for many. This guide offers a brief introduction to my journey south of Mount Fuji, spanning the two prefectures over a concise 4-day car trip, highlighting how I came to appreciate the natural beauty, grandeur, and unparalleled cultural value of Mount Fuji. Here are 10 less crowded spots to enjoy Mount Fuji, carefully curated into 4 chapters - Fuji by the Sea, Fuji from the Mountains, Understanding Fuji, and Fuji from the City. It is worth noting that Mount Fuji can be observed from twenty out of Japan's forty-seven prefectures, however visibility is extremely weather dependent, so you will also need luck on your side! This is just the tip of the iceberg, and I can't wait to be back already.
Updated ago

Fuji by the Sea

# 1 - 鎌倉市 Kamakura 

稲村ヶ崎 Cape Inamuragasaki
Stunning view of Enoshima Island and Mount Fuji on a clear day, with a convenient parking lot right across the road, can be really windy here so wrap up!
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Here was my shot at Cape Inamuragasaki, trying not to be blown away by the strong winds! Mount Fuji is to the direct west of this point, so lighting is great on a sunny day.

# 2 - 江ノ島電鉄 Enoshima Electric Railway

七里ヶ浜海岸Shichirigahama Parking Area
Park your car and cross the road to go up the small side road up the slope and wait patiently for a train to pass by!
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Pro tip: Climb up the small side road up the slope for the best view of the classic Enoshima train making a bend alongside Mount Fuji. Any train buffs will absolutely loose their mind! 

Fuji from the Mountains

# 3 - 箱根 Hakone

箱根海賊船 元箱根港Motohakone Port
Hakone is a well known tourist town, with it's windy and steep uphill routes, give ample time for a few traffic jams here and there and don't go unless you are a confident driver, otherwise there are plenty of public transport options also available. Icy and snowy roads can also cause major delays, so be wary of seasonality and weather conditions.
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Pro Tip: Lake Ashi is well known for it's numerous onsen ryokans and stunning views of Mount Fuji. With crowds flocking to take pictures at Heiwa no Torii, it is more ideal to see Lake Ashi from the east lake side with less crowds and a great view of the iconic torii gate and Mount Fuji. 

# 4 - 椿ライン Road No. 75 Tsubaki Line

Going uphill, this mountainous pass follows the perilous ridge of mountains of Hakone, offering stunning views of the coast, forest and lakes.

大観山展望台Mt.Taikan Observation Deck
Vantage point overlooking Lake Ashi, come up here if you're a confident driver!
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Road No. 75 Tsubaki Line offers a great view over the crater Lake Ashi from above at 1011m high, the windy road also has multiple pit stops where you can take in the beautiful landscape.

# 5 - 十国峠山麓展望台 Jukkoku Pass Observation Deck

十国峠山麓展望台Jukkoku Pass Observation Deck
Large rest stop for a lunch on the mountains if you are on the go, serving yummy and cheap katsu and udon sets. The souvenir shop is also very large!
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A short furnicular ride will bring you to the top of Jukkoku Pass Observation Deck with a crazy 360 degree panoramic view of the 10 of Japan’s historic feudal provinces, which were Izu, Sagami, Suruga, Totoumi, Kai, Shinano, Musashi, Awa, Kazusa and Shimousa. These are the old names for the provinces that were used before the current prefecture system was set up. Enjoyed a cute churro that writes the character of the pass at the top. An unmissable stop!

# 6 - 伊豆スカイライン Izu Skyline 

玄岳ドライブイン Abandoned Atami Kogen Ropeway
Stop at the road side car park a little bit futher down the road for a picturesque postcard worthy spot!
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On a clear sunny day, this abandoned ropeway station from the 1970s offers breathtaking views of a serene lake called "Hyogaike" (氷ヶ池) and the snow-capped peak of Mount Fuji. Stop at the road side car park a little bit futher down the road for a picturesque postcard worthy spot!

# 7 - 韮山反射炉 Nirayama Reverberatory Furnaces

韮山反射炉 Nirayama Reverberatory Furnaces
Best to come during Sakura season from late February to April, a small UNESCO Heritage Site documenting Japan's industrial revolution for some variety in itinerary
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The Nirayama Hansharo are a set of four Edo period reverberatory furnaces erected by the Tokugawa shogunate in the Tokai region of Japan. The site was designated as a National Historic Site in 1922 and was later designed as a component of the Sites of Japan's Meiji Industrial Revolution: Iron and Steel, Shipbuilding and Coal Mining, which received UNESCO World Heritage Site status in 2015.

Understanding Fuji

# 8 - 静岡県富士山世界遺産センター Mt. Fuji World Heritage Centre

静岡県富士山世界遺産センターMt. Fuji World Heritage Centre
Arguably one of the best curated museums I have ever visited, this museum allows you to experience holistically the multi faceted aspects of Mount Fuji from it's ascent, geography, spirituality, literature, and the vast natural ecosystems that it supports.
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Arguably one of the best curated museums I have ever visited, this museum allows you to experience holistically the multi faceted aspects of Mount Fuji from it's ascent, geography, spirituality, literature, and the vast natural ecosystems that it supports. With it's stunning architectural design that mimics and provides many reflections of Mount Fuji, it was an well worth the detour to Fujinomiya for a visit.

Fuji from the City

# 9 - 静岡県庁 別館21階 富士山展望ロビー Observation Platform 21st Floor of the Prefectural Office

静岡県庁 別館21階 富士山展望ロビーObservation Platform 21st Floor of the Prefectural Office
A quiet observation hall free of charge to visit on top of a government building at 21st floor, offering panoramic views of the city of Shizuoka.
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On the 21st floor of this government building is a quiet observation deck that oversees Shizuoka lying below Mount Fuji. 

# 10 - 用宗魚港 Mochimune Fishing Port

用宗みなと温泉Mochimune Port Spa
Pay a small fee to take a shower and soak in the public spa/ community hub in this little suburb of Mochimune. An excellent alternative to spend an afternoon enjoying the quiet seaside beaches and have a drink before dinner at any one of the local bistros or izakayas.
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An alternative public spa viewing spot at the suburban town of Mochimune - a revitalised fishing port area offering a range of small bistros, shops and hotel lodges. There is an outdoor onsen with a specific slot for viewing of Mount Fuji whilst you soak in the hot waters. What a way to take a bath!

This brings a wrap to my 10 highlight spots of my "Adventure Series: Finding Fuji" across a short 4 days. Hope you have enjoyed it and are planning your next trip to Kanagawa and Shizuoka already! 

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📍Hong Kong Hi! I'm Tiff, welcome to my travel shop! As a graduate architect, I am constantly perceiving and understanding my surroundings and environment; with a keen eye for aesthetics, a deep understanding of cultural and historical contexts and drive to connect with people I meet, I am excited to share my experiences and knowledge with you. On Thatch, my goal is to provide you with more than just travel advice. I am committed to help you make the most out of your future journeys by sharing meticulously crafted travel plans, expert suggestions, and, above all, my own photography, drawings and notes whilst exploring these beautiful destinations. Travelling through a lens geared for nature, adventure, food, and architecture, my trips tend to be off the tourist-beaten path where I find and explore local perspectives, authentic experiences and hidden gems that truly capture the essence of a place. Having spent almost 20 years living between Hong Kong and Singapore as well as 7 years of studying in the UK, my self led trips and journeys have spanned over 20 countries across msotly Asia and Europe. It has always been my motto to go outside your comfort zone and keep on exploring what life offers. I would love to hear from my audience no matter where in the world you are from, get in touch through my socials!
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