Custom Trip Itineraries

Custom Trip Itineraries

Let's plan your dream getaway together! With my extensive travel experience and genuine passion for exploration, I'll create a personalized itinerary that reflects your interests and preferences. From cozy cafes to hidden gems, I'll guide you through an unforgettable journey filled with authentic experiences and unforgettable moments. Let's craft your perfect adventure – one destination at a time!
Updated ago

Let's Get Started!

Then, I'll need you to answer a few quick questions to understand your travel style, interests, and any special requirements you have. Your responses will help me craft a personalized itinerary just for you. 

In 5-7 days, you'll receive your custom itinerary - tailored to make your trip unforgettable!

Need more help? 

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Hey there! I’m Sofia, a 25-year-old who loves exploring new places, trying delicious food, and doing it all on a budget. Whether I’m getting lost in a city or enjoying nature, I’m always looking for the next adventure. Join me as I discover hidden gems and explore spots off the beaten path. I’ll share tips on outdoor adventures, local culture, and, of course, the best restaurants at each place I've visited! Ready to turn your travel dreams into reality? Let’s make it happen! Shop my travel guides and itineraries, and don’t forget to check out my free guides. Download the free Thatch App for quick access!
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