Taxco, Mexico

Taxco, Mexico

The greatest town you've never heard of. Taxco is a charming hillside escape from the commotion of nearby CDMX and Cuernavaca. Sink into the life of this charming cobblestoned Pueblo Magico. With plenty of things to see, eat, and do, Taxco is the perfect destination for a long weekend getaway.
Updated ago

Check out our Taxco travel guide over on YouTube!

What we did in Taxco

Plaza Borda
Taxco's front yard, Plaza Borda or "The Zocolo" is the main square of the city. All roads seem to lead here. Enjoy the sights, relax on the benches, grab a bite, or barter for souvenirs from the local street vendors in this lively town plaza.
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Santa Prisca de Taxco
The intricate facade of this stunning cathedral towers over the main square in Taxco. Especially stunning as the sun begins to set.
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Taxco Cableway
A relaxing ride above the treeline whisks you to the top of an adjacent hill to Montetaxco Resort.
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Cristo Rey. Cristo Monumental.
A 60ft tall statue of Christ perches atop this hill in Taxco. Fantastic views of the city below. You can walk here, but Taxco's unforgiving geography makes taking a taxi the logical choice.
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Pozas Azules de Atzala
45 minutes outside of Taxco is this stunning series of impossibly blue pools cascading down through a tree lined canyon.
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La Mina
A short but thoughtful tour takes you into an old mine to showcase the mineral bounties of the area. Great prices on local silver in the gift shop you end up in after the tour.
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Central Café
Solid breakfast featuring both Mexican and "Western" options.
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Armandos Taqueria
Seriously, the BEST taco we've ever had in our lives. At less than $1 USD a piece, it's all too easy to order a half dozen, and then a half dozen more.
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Rosa Mexicano
Staggering views and amazing food! Rosa Mexicano serves up elevated traditional Mexican cuisine with an emphasis on local to the region specialties.
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Best Western Taxco
Affordable, clean, and close to the Zocalo. The rooftop restaurant has fantastic views of the city.
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