Landes, France - FREE guide

Landes, France - FREE guide

Nature, food, and everything in between. Here's a quick itinerary with the best things to do in this beautiful French department. What to expect in this guide: - lots of nature - places you won't find in other guides - good food and drinks - alternatives for nearby places you can't miss - only spots that are worth it
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Courant d'Huchet
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Réserve Naturelle Nationale du Marais d'Orx
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Etang Noir Seignosse - Les Passerelles
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Étang de Léon
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Réserve Naturelle Nationale du Marais d'Orx

Dune of Pilat
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Cap Ferret
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French Basque Country
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Hi everyone, I'm Alexandra. I was born and raised in Romania and I'm currently based... well, everywhere. I'm a digital nomad travelling slowly by settling in one place at a time for several months. I travel with my partner and we enjoy anything relaxing, interesting, and new. We don't visit a lot of cities and instead opt for more off-the-beaten destinations that allow us to really experience life like the locals do. My guides always include places we've been to several times. They focus on places we've loved so my recommendations are always very close to my heart. What to expect in my guides: - lots of nature - places you won't find in other guides - good food and drinks - lots of road trip options - alternatives for nearby places you can't miss - only authentic and memorable spots that are worth it I've started my Thatch account because I couldn't find good guides for places we were going to stay in. So expect to find everything here now! Hope you'll enjoy your travels!
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