Hike to Olpererhütte and Famous Suspension Bridge in Austria

Where to sleep 💤

What to do 🥾

Where to eat
We went to store for breakfast & lunch stuff


I was coming from Amsterdam, but after Munich, I couldn't use the Euro Train pass anymore.
Muenchen HBF Munich --> Mayrhofen im Zillertal
$61.07 (€46)
Getting to hike from the hostel
Mayrhofen im Zillertal Bahnhof › Schlegeissstausee
First Bus - 08:05 am
Schlegeissstausee › Mayrhofen im Zillertal Bahnhof
Last Bus - 18:10 (6:10)
Bus 4102 from Mayrhfen via Ginzling
Leaves right in front of Mayrhofen train station to get to Schlegeis Stausee, the reservoir bus stop where the Olpererhütte trailhead is located.
Get there early while on the bus they stopped letting people on.
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